Chapter 12

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There's a long day ahead of me

Yesterday I lost against Ares in our little friendly match and since I can't go back on my word, I have to spend the entire day with him

Everyone had already gathered in front of the hotel entrance, waiting for the teachers to begin leading the way

I was standing between Lia and Liam, letting them know why I won't be around them so much today

"but we're still spending the evening together right?" Lia asked

"of course"

"I thought you hated the guy" Liam added

"I do" I said

"then why are you spending the day with him?"

"we're going to the museum and the city's centre today, everyone will be together at all times, I'll just have to be more around him than I'd prefer, that's all"

"remind me why you're doing this again?"

"I lost a bet"

Which reminds me, I'm never making a bet with him again

God knows what he's going to want from me next time

The crowd began moving and so did we

The museum wasn't far away since the city wasn't that large either

You could get there by foot and it only took about 5 minutes

At least that's what the teachers told us

I glanced around the students

Ares was a little further back than I was

Before our eyes could meet I turned back to Liam and Lia and spoke up

"I'll see you guys later"

"you got your phone charged?" Liam asked


"full bars?"

I gave him a bored look

"I'm not getting lost again"

He gave me a smile before he patted my head

"see you later Liv"

I slowed down my pace

Liam and Lia soon started distancing from me and I eventually reached Ares

He was wearing a navy blue hoodie with pockets, his hands resting inside them, black sweatpants on his lower half

"you're stuck with me for the next 5 hours, do you think you'll manage?" he asked as soon as I got by his side


I noticed how his hands left the pockets of his hoodie as he let them fall down to his side

"so, what are you doing this evening?" he then asked

"I'm going out with Liam and Lia"

"the blonde boy and girl you're usually with?"

I felt his hand brush against mine so I instinctively pulled my hand back to my side

"yeah, they're twins" I said

"I thought they seemed alike"

"regarding their looks yes, but their personalities are nothing alike"

"well I do always only receive a nice smile from the girl but the boy, Liam, it's like he's always glaring at me"

I couldn't tell him that it was because Liam thinks Ares is bad influence for me

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