Chapter 30

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My thoughts were going back and forth, my mind still confused and uncertain about where Ares was taking me on todays date

I was already dressed up, now only waiting for the time to turn 8pm so I could walk downstairs

I was wearing a black skirt that went down to my ankles, with a little split on the side

On my upper body was a black top with short sleeves and a golden necklace

I looked to my phone


I got up from my bed, getting ahold of my white purse that matched my white sneakers and headed out of my room

Once I reached the stairs I heard rumbling in the kitchen

I stopped in my track, debating if I should wait for my uncle to leave the kitchen or just continue with my path

I still haven't told him about me and Ares

Regardless of what he might say, I walked down the stairs

He noticed me right away when I went to walk past the kitchen, quickly stopping me

"where are you going?"

I looked back to him

"out" I simply said

"with someone?"

I nodded

"who's the boy? should I be worried?"

"how do you know that I'm going out with a boy? it could just be Lia and Liam"

"I wasn't born yesterday" he said as he rested his arms on the kitchen's counter, not looking away from me

"fine, I'm going on a date, happy?"


"am I not allowed to?" I asked confused

"you are but I at least want to have a word with him before you go. I need to see if he's a good guy and how long you two will be out"

"he's a good guy and we'll be back before 11" I assured him

He simply continued to stare at me

"what's his name?"

I hesitated for a moment before saying it




"you're going out with your student?"

"it sounds weird when you say it like that" I cringed

He removed his arms from the counter and straightened up

"you know what I mean. It's not good to mix work with your personal life"

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