Chapter 10

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I watched how Olivia left my car

I knew I won't be able to see her tomorrow but I looked forward to the fact that I'll be spending all weekend with her

She still tries to play cold but it's only drawing me in more

She wants me to keep my distance from her on the upcoming trip but I already got a plan of how to make that a little hard to happen

I waited for her to walk inside her house before I drove off

I had a 10 minute drive ahead of me

I had no music on, no one beside me in the car, no one else but my thoughts that is

My mind went back to yesterday, when I was at the gym

Olivia insisted that I spare with Kai even though I could do it with someone else

I thought about this before, but even if he told her my address that time when he drove her home from the party, she would be way too drunk to remember it

That could only mean she got it from him some time later

And the only possible outcome is, that she has his phone number

She denied it yesterday but I don't see any other explanation

But then again, I don't think Kai would do this to me

We have been good friends for a while now and he's not the kind of person to mess with the girl I'm interested in

The same though kept haunting me to the point my jealousy got the best of me

I pulled over at a nearby bus stop and picked up my phone

Without even giving it a good thought, I texted Kai

ME: "hey, is there any chance you have Olivia's number?"

After a minute or so went by, he read it

I waited patiently for his reply and was quite relieved after I've read it

KAI: "I don't"

However, there was one more text

KAI: "but while we're at it, you probably have it so can you give it to me?"

I just stared at the message for a good moment

Why would he want her number?

Why other than to text her, but text her about what?

ME: "why do you need it?"

I don't like making assumptions, but I don't like the way this conversation's going either

KAI: "I need to talk to her about something"

ME: "you can tell me, I'll pass it on to her"

KAI: "it's more like a private matter"

"private matter huh?" I scoffed

I put my phone down on my lap and buried my face in the palms of my hands

I hate this feeling

The feeling of jealousy towards a person who I consider my best friend

"it's so pathetic" I mumbled to myself

I felt my phone buzz again, the vibration spreading through my skin

I looked down thinking it was Kai again, but to my surprise, it wasn't a text, it was a call

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