Chapter 33

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"are you sure there's nothing I could help you with?" I asked Ares

He was walking up and down the kitchen, picking up glasses and plates from the cupboards, table wear from the drawers and so on

I woke up half an hour ago, freshened up and then came downstairs

Ares wasn't lying next to me anymore as I awoke, I later found out he went for his morning run

"don't worry, I can manage" he assured me

My whole attention was on him

He was wearing black sweatpants and a plain black T-shirt

His muscles could be seen through the fabric, his biceps becoming even more visible every time he picked something up with one of his hands

It was definitely a nice sight to see

"are you sure you want to go to school today?" he suddenly asked with his back turned to me

"yeah, I need something to distract myself with"

"I just think it would be better for you to take a few days off, take some rest and then start fresh"

I'd rather be in school, surrounded with people who I feel comfortable and at peace around, than at home alone

"it's fine Ares, I'd rather be at school"

Approaching footsteps drew my attention to the hall behind me

I tilted my head to the side and looked over my shoulder

Ruth was slowly coming down the hall

"morning grandma" Ares greeted once he noticed her presence

"morning sweetheart" she smiled back at him

Her eye then fell on me and her smile only widened, her wrinkles showing off

"Olivia I didn't know you were coming over for breakfast, I would've made something"

"oh no, it's okay it was a last minute decision"

"didn't you hear us come home last night?" Ares asked while placing down the plates on the kitchen table

I was already sitting in my chair, the one that had a little white heart at the top of the wooden backrest

"no, I slept like a log last night"

"well that's good to hear"

Her look shifted back to me after the brief conversation with her grandson was finished and something similar to playfulness crossed her eyes

"I didn't see any blankets on the couch" she said, referring to the fact that neither of us slept there tonight

Ares gently placed his hands down on the table and looked to his grandma with a knowing look

"grandma, don't get any ideas"

"so you two shared the bed" she continued, pretending not to hear Ares's words

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