Chapter 3

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"well, well, well, if it isn't our little boxer"

Shit, I hoped they wouldn't recognise me

I could see the confusion written all over Olivia's face

I gently wrapped my hand around her wrist and led her to my car

"you're just gonna pretend like you don't know us then?" One of the guys said, a sound of the car door opening followed

I quickly opened the passenger's doors for Olivia and gestured for her to get inside

The moment she did, I closed the doors and looked to the side

My eyes landed on a guy that goes by 'The beast'

I was already in the ring with him a few times before but I never managed to win

This guy seriously lives up to his nickname

He's hard to beat and always leaves you with severe injuries

I looked away and walked over to the other side of the car

I was about to open the doors when he shoved me against the car

He grabbed me by my collar and brought his face closer to mine

"I hate ignorant brats" he said through gritted teeth

"I'm not looking for any trouble" I said as calmly as possible

"why? so you appear like a good guy in front of your girlfriend?"

"she's not my girlfriend so don't involve her in this"

"and if I don't want to? are you gonna take the punch for it?"

"like I said, I don't want trouble"

He let go of my collar before letting out a chuckle

"I see you're saving yourself for the ring. Have it your way, it's only making me more pumped up"

I didn't say anything more because I knew it would end badly if I opened my mouth

I watched him enter his car again and just a moment later, he drove off

I took a second more before I opened the doors of my car and got in

I was immediately met with a pair of brown eyes that were longing for an explanation

For some reason, I didn't want her to know this side of me

The explanation she wanted, I couldn't give it to her at the moment

Besides, I worried her enough for one day

It wasn't my intention to make her hide and run form the security guard but when I saw her sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't bring myself to wake her

Her dark brown hair were covering some of her face, her head laying on top of her hand

Her left cheek was facing my way, letting me have a clear view of her heart shaped birthmark

When I first saw her face, 2 days ago, only one thought came to my mind

'her face is like a work of art'

But what immediately caught my attention was her birthmark

I felt something in that moment, when my eyes fell upon hers and it made me want to draw

It made me want to draw that pretty face of hers so it would be forever imprinted on a piece of paper

Even looking at her now, in a car, filled with dark space, her face still catches my attention

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