Chapter 14

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The rest of the school trip went by faster than I expected

Sunday was nothing special

We left the hotel early in the morning, headed to the bus and went back into our home city

I was sitting beside Lia on the drive back and after I got off the bus I went straight home so I haven't seen or talked to Ares since saturday

But I still can't forget the last thing he said to me

Today I'm definitely seeing him and soon that is

We're supposed to have english class together in less than half an hour

But I wasn't in school yet, me, Lia and Liam were heading to it as of now

There were still about 5 minutes left until we were supposed to arrive at the school gates and I knew I had one more thing to do before I part my ways with Liam

I promised Kai I'll find out where he can take Liam to for their first date after all

"I have to tell you guys something" I started

"what is it?" Liam asked, not sparing me a glance, his eyes focused on the road

"it's about Ares"

I watched how Lia turned down the radio volume and turned back to me

"spill it" she said all excited

"he hinted that he wants to take me out on a date"

Her lips formed a gap

"when was that?"

"saturday, at the club"

"and you didn't care to tell me earlier?"

"better late than never"

"what did you say to that?" Liam asked

"I made it clear that I wasn't interested"

"why would you do that" Lia slightly yelled at me

"where would we even go" I asked, setting the trap

"there's many nice date locations"

"like what"

"movies, amusement parks, walks through the park. I don't know, help me out Liam" she said as she lightly slapped her brother's shoulder

"hey no touching driver"

"yeah yeah, just help me out here"

He didn't respond for a good moment

"a picnic, at a beach or something but late in the evening so you can watch the sunset together. Then you can swim in the ocean under the starry night and stargaze"

"aww that's so romantic" Lia teased him

"shut up" he said, getting all serious

I looked down at my hands

I was holding my phone, my notes displaying on the screen

-and stargaze.

I wrote every word he just said down

I took a screenshot of my screen and then went to my contacts and clicked on Kai's number

I sent him the screenshot with a little side message

ME: "good luck on your date ;)"

I got to class 10 minutes before the bell rang

I was one of the first students to be there, beside Ares

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