Chapter 1

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(It was a Friday afternoon in La, where Vin Diesel and Paul Walker was meeting with Gray about a movie project. They all were sitting in a small room talking amongst themselves.)

Gary: So guys, I was thinking since I have you two here we can go over some things. But first I want to introduce the two of you. Paul this is Vin Diesel and Vin this is Paul Walker. I brought you two here today because I feel like we can do something together.

Paul: Ok, so what do you have?

Vin: Yeah, because I'm curious after getting a phone call early this morning.

Gary: (hold his hands up) Just a second guys! I've got this script I wrote, it's about fast cars. It's a fun movie and I think if we get the right crew and the right people this could be something big.

Paul: (gives him a look) How big?

Gary: I can see it becoming something the world will need.

(Vin pipes up at this.)

Vin: Now we're talking, so tell us about this script?

Gary: Well the title is The Fast and the Furious. It's about some street racing and a team of young kids who is just tryin to make a living in La. Now Vin your role will be Dominic Toretto (king of street racing). Paul you will be an uncover cop, trying to get inside the Toretto's world.

Vin: He looks like a cop.

Paul: (laughs) Yeah but your no king of street racing.

(Vin laughs at that.)

Vin: I like him!

Gary: Great, now let's talk about the other characters and who would you like to play them.

Paul: We get to choose sweet!

Gary: Now Vin, you need to find a love interest and then the both of you can agree on who will play Dom sister/Brian love interest.

Vin: Ok, but I think I know who I want to have as my love interest.

Paul: Do tell, can't wait to hear this.

Vin: (licks his lips) I was watching a movie the other day about a female boxer. I don't know there something about this girl man, her eyes and just that street attitude.

Gary: What's the name of the movie?

Vin: Girlfight!

Paul: Oh I heard about that movie, chick is bad bro!

Vin: I think her name is Michelle Rodriguez, and I want her to be my love interest.

Gary: Alright, one down!

(As time passed they go over more actresses to play the character Mia Toretto. By the end of the night, they both settled on Jordana Brewster to play Mia.)

(Over the next couple of weeks, phone calls were made, and everyone was set up to meet first thing Monday afternoon. Vin and Paul was already there when the ladies showed up.)

Gary: Hello ladies, I'm Gary!

Michelle: Hello Gary, I'm Michelle.

Jordana: Hi I'm Jordana!

Gary: Beautiful ladies, now lets go meet your better halves.

(They walked into the a room and notice two dudes sitting at a table.)

Gary: Hey fellows the ladies are here. I'm going to leave you all to get to know each other while I got check on something's.

Vin: We will be here Gary.

(As Gary leaves the ladies turn back around and eye the guys. Vin gets up and go to introduce himself. He walks up to Jordana first and takes her hand.)

Vin: Hi I'm Vin.

Jordana: Jordana!

(She moves aside and greets Paul. As they talk, Vin holds out his hand to greet Michelle and as soon as their hands touch sparks fly.)

Vin: (clear his throat) Hi I'm Vin, it's nice to meet you.

Michelle: (smiles) Hey Michelle! So which one of you lucky guys get to play my love interest?

Vin: (looks at her) That would be me!

Jordana: Great, I get Blondie.

(Everyone laughs at her comment.)

Michelle: Aww come on Jordana, you two are made for each other.

Paul: What not into pretty boys?

Michelle: Nah, I just like manly men.

Paul: Damn, seems like I need to work on my muscles. I'm Paul by the way.

Michelle: Michelle, I think this is going to be fun.

(They all get acquainted and get to know one another. It was around 9 when they wrapped things up and was going they separate ways.)

Gary: So I will give everyone a call to let you know the start date.

Vin: Ok, well I'm out. See you all soon and let's have some fun while we're doing what we love.

Paul: See you guys!

Michelle: Later!

Jordana: Bye!

(It was a month later when they got the call on the start date. Michelle and Vin shows up at the same time.)

Vin: Good morning Michelle.

Michelle: Good morning Vin.

Vin: Are you ready to spend everyday of your life here for the next few months.

Michelle: Let's see how it goes first and then I'll get back to you on that.

(Five minutes later Paul and Jordana walks up to them. Paul gives Michele a hug before dabbing Vin.)

Michelle: Someone's chipper this morning.

Paul: I'm just excited.

Jordana: Me too! This is my first time as one of the main characters on the big screen.

Michelle: Girlfight was my first. I didn't know anything about acting, but the director told me I had potential.

Dom: That was a badass movie.

Michelle: You seen it?

Dom: Yea, and I told Gary "that's who I want to play my girl".

Michelle: (looks at him) Is that right?

Dom: I mean why not your badass, hot, and what this character needs.

(Jordana and Paul watches them.)

Paul: Well did anyone read the script?

Jordana: I did and I must say, I don't like how Michelle character goes and sleeps with my dude.

Michelle: (surprised) What?

Dom: Yep, they have you as my girl but you also cheats on me with Pauls character.

Michelle: That's insane! I'll be right back.

(She walks off to go talk to Gary. She finds him in a room with what looks like writers and some other people. She walks up to him with so much confidence and stands in front of him.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now