Chapter 24

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(It's been a 3 months on set and everything was going according to plan. Michelle did her scenes, and would return to her trailer after she's done. The tension between her and Vin has everyone on edge, but she remains cordial.)

(It was almost Christmas and everyone flew their families out to spend time together. Everyone decided to exchange gifts this year. Michelle was sitting at the table with the rest of her cast as they joked and told stories.)

Paul: Hey Michelle, you wouldn't happen to have any stories to tell would you?

Michelle: (smiles) Nah man, we didn't celebrate holidays.

Paul: Aww that sucked.

Michelle: It's cool man really.

Jordana: What about know? You haven't been Jehovah Witness in years.

Michelle: I haven't been home in awhile. The last story I have was when I went back home to Texas. My dad's family looked at me like I've grown two heads and I haven't been back since.

Paul: Well we're your family now Michelle.

Jordana: Yeah, you know you can call me anytime.

(Everyone else agrees and it puts a small smile on her face.)

Michelle: Thanks guys.

Patricia: Well now that's out the way, Vin and I have some news to share.

(Michelle makes a face that doesn't go unnoticed by Vin.)

Paul: Your getting married?

Jordana: You finally moving in together?

Patricia: No and no. Go ahead and tell them baby.

Vin: We're having a baby.

Jordana: WHAT? Oh my god guys congratulations.

Paul: Damn, it's about time. Melody couldn't be the only one around here.

(Jordana goes up to them and hug them.)

Jordan's: How far along?

Patricia: I'm 12 weeks.

Vin: We wanted to wait until the second trimester to tell everyone.

(It gets quiet and that's when Michelle looks up and sees everyone eyeing her.)

Michelle: It's great you guys. Really congratulations, I know how much Vin always wanted a family.

Vin: Thanks.

Patricia: Thanks, that's really sweet.

(An awkward pause before Jordana change the subject and Michelle excuse herself. She her coat and drink to head out the sliding doors to the back patio. She sips her drink and closes her eyes as the wind whip through her hair.)

Vin: It's freezing out here.

(She jumps a little from not hearing him approach her. She rolls her eyes before looking out at the snow.)

Michelle: What are you doing out here?

Vin: You seem far away. Just wanted to check on you.

Michelle: I'm fine, just tired.

Vin: What's going on?

Michelle: It's nothing, you can go back inside now.

(She closes her eyes when she feels him sit beside her.)

Vin: What's wrong?

Michelle: I told you nothing.

Vin: Michelle we've barely talked since being here and it's been months since the DR.

Michelle: Well I really don't have much to say.

Vin: Your still mad at me for getting with Pat?

Michelle: I could care less about her. It's the you did things that makes me question our friendship.

Vin: It weren't like we was even together. I thought we had an agreement, no strings attached.

Michelle: (chuckle) You know you're right. I let my feelings get in the way during that moment, and I promise you it won't happen again.

Vin: Look I didn't come out here to fight with you. I wanted to ask you something because even through we are at each other's throats, your still my best friend.

Michelle: I'm not staying here.

Vin: It's not that.

Michelle: What is it?

Vin: I was going to ask if you could be my kid godmother?

Michelle: (makes a face) I don't know Vin. That's a big responsibility and your asking the one person who's life a mess.

Vin: Your the only one I trust with my kids if something to ever happens to me.

Michelle: I'm sure Patricia would love that.

Vin: She's the one who suggested it.

Michelle: Oh!

Vin: So what do you say?

Michelle: Can I think about it?

Vin: Umm yeah sure, it's no rush just let me know before the baby's born.

(He gets up to leave.)

Michelle: Oh, I don't know if Greg told you but I will be leaving the day after tomorrow. I just have to finish some small things with Justin, and then I'm on to my next project.

Vin: You know you don't have to go.

Michelle: My time here is done. I'm grateful for the opportunity and all the great people I look at as family. I don't know, I might just take some time and just go away somewhere to find myself.

Vin: Will we ever get back to the way we were?

Michelle: Maybe.

Vin: I'll miss you, and I wish you well on your journey.

Michelle: Yeah.

(Vin turns and head back inside with everyone else while Michelle continues to sit outside. After a few more minutes she gets up to head inside to tell everyone goodbye. She grab her keys before she leaves and Paul follows her out.)

Paul: Hey?

Michelle: What Paul, I told you I was leaving.

Paul: What was that back there? You've barely said anything all night.

Michelle: Just tired man.

Paul: Who are you kidding? The tension is so thick in there you can't see through it.

Michelle: Leave it alone Paul.

Paul: I'm just worried about you.

Michelle: I will be alright. I'm a big girl Paul and I know how to take care of myself. I've been doing it my whole life and I'm still here.

Paul: I know.

Michelle: See you around Paul.

(She walks up to him and gives him a hug as he place a kiss to her forehead.)

Paul: Don't be no stranger, call me whenever.

Michelle: I will, see you later.

Paul: Later.

(She smiles before she gets in her car and drives off.)

(Two years has passed and Michelle finally feels like she can breathe and be herself. She's been traveling the world and working on her own projects. Over the last year, she's been getting letters from fans asking will she return back to Fast and Furious.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now