Chapter 16

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(The next time he wakes up it's dark, and Michelle is still curled up against him. He moves a hand down her back and caress it before his stomach growl.)

Michelle: Someone's hungry.

Vin: Well I've been to comfortable to move.

Michelle: (snuggles closer) Your like a big soft teddy bear.

(Her stomach growls next and they both starts laughing.)

Vin: Get up so I can feed you.

Michelle: I don't want to, I miss this.

Vin: Me too, but I need to use the bathroom.

Michelle: (sigh) Fine I'm getting up.

(She gets up and then helps him up as they body collides and he look down at her. They stand there for a few seconds before Vin clears his throat and goes to move when she stops him.)

Vin: What?

Michelle: Nothing, it's just I've really missed you.

Vin: We really have to do better in staying in touch.

Michelle: I called, you never called back.

Vin: Yeah well I was still getting over a breakup. But I broke my promise and I can understand why you're mad.

Michelle: Look I know we both been busy lately, but one phone call just to let me know your ok would be nice.

Vin: Got it, now let me go pee before I piss myself.

(She moves away from him as she watch him walk off. An hour later they was sitting at the living room table eating and watching a movie.)

Michelle: So Vin, how's dating life?

Vin: (raise his brow) Why so you can cock block?

Michelle: (laughs) Nah man, just want to make sure she's right for you. You're my best friend and like a brother to me, so I'm just looking out.

Vin: I appreciate your concerns but I'm not dating anyone right now, just having fun.

Michelle: Well be careful there some crazy people out there trust me I know.

(After they was done eating, they called it a night and Michelle showed him to the guest room. Over the next few days they caught up and hung out until it was time for Vin to head out again.)

Vin: I had a good time.

Michelle: Yeah me too! We should do this more often, but maybe I will come to your place.

(She walks up to him and wrap her arms around him.)

Vin: I'm going to miss you.

Michelle: Me too! Don't work too hard Vin and remember I'm just a phone call away.

Vin: Got it, and the same goes for you.

Michelle: See you later.

Vin: Stay out of trouble.

Michelle: Whatever man! Call me when you get to where you're going.

(After he leaves she closes the door and goes to take out her laptop to check her emails.)

(Over the next three years it seemed she could never stay out of trouble. In La she got arrested for a hit and run and a DUI. She served four hours for overcrowding in jail for that and was released . It's now 2005 and now she's working in Hawaii for the tv show LOST. She was having a good time, making new friends, and hanging out.)

Lisa: Hey Michelle.

Michelle: Hey chica what's up.

Lisa: You want to go out tonight?

Michelle: Go out where?

Lisa: It's going to be just us, Josh, and Matthew. We're going to The Blue Bar just to let off some steam and maybe get lucky.

Michelle: (laughs) Your a hot ass mess Lisa, but I feel you on the getting lucky part.

Lisa: Michelle it's been months since I had a man touch me.

Michelle: Try a year, hmmmm maybe I will go out tonight.

Lisa: Great, now I need to go let the boys know.

Michelle: Just let me know what time and I'll meet you guys there.

Lisa: Got it, see you tonight.

(Later that night it was just the two of them, so they decided to hit up the club by themselves. When they arrived, Lisa waited for Michelle and then they headed inside.)

Michelle: This place it beautiful.

Lisa: Yeah, and I see a bunch of hot men too.

Michelle: I didn't come here to hook up with no random guy, I'm here to let off this stress.

Lisa: Shoot yourself, come on let's go see who's going to buy us drinks.

Michelle: (shakes her head) Just two drinks Lisa, I've already been in enough trouble with the law.

Lisa: Our apartment is just fifteen minutes away Michelle, relax and have fun.

(She drags Michelle to the bar as they sit and look around. Michelle was moving to the music as Lisa was getting major seductive looks at two guys. As she turns she sees them coming towards them.)

Michelle: Lisa stop it.

Lisa: No, I think I found our first drinks of the night. Damn he's fine, do you see those arms on that guy. I just know he's....

Michelle: (chuckle) Oh my god!

(The men walk up and Michelle stops laughing as she looks up and her eye catches the taller one. His eyes roam her body as he takes her in and lick his lips.)

Makoa: Hello ladies.

Lisa: Hi.

Michelle: Hey.

Makoa: My name is Makoa and this is my brother Keona.

Lisa: Ohhh, my name is Lisa and this is my friend Michelle.

Michelle: It's nice to meet you guys.

Keona: Michelle, that's a beautiful name for a very beautiful woman.

Michelle: (blush) Thank you.

Makoa: So can we buy you ladies a drink? If it's alright with the both of you.

Lisa: Umm sure!

Michelle: Yes, that's fine.

Makoa: Great! Hey bartender

(The ladies tell them what drinks they want and they talk while they wait. Michelle and Keona seemed to click and for the first time in months she is enjoying herself.)

Michelle: So, how is it to live here?

Keona: It's peaceful and the people here are really nice. Maybe I could show you around more, how long are you here for?

Michelle: Just a few more weeks.

As the night goes on, Michelle and Lisa are drunk and the guys are loving it. Michelle and Keona made out a couple times, but nothing went passed kissing and a grope here or there. By two that morning they was both very intoxicate and ready to head home.

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now