Chapter 4

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(She moves out of the way letting him in after seeing he brought food. He walks in and set the food on the counter as she limps towards him.)

Vin: Good morning.

Michelle: Yeah!

(He looks up and sees slight pain on her face and her walking funny.)

Vin: What happened?

Michelle: I hit my toe on the corner of the bed before I let you in.

Vin: Sorry about that.

Michelle: Nah, I was half sleep.

Vin: I can leave this here if you want to get back to bed.

Michelle: Your here now, so let's not waste this food.

(She digs through the bags and pulls out the breakfast.)

Vin: Someone hungry.

Michelle: Starving, thanks Vin.

Vin: (shakes his head) Your welcome.

Michelle: Excuse the morning breath but..

Vin: Trust me it's not as bad as you think.

(She gives him a sideways glance. He takes his food and spread it out infront of him.)

Michelle: Damn bro how much did you buy?

Vin: Enough for everyone but Paul and Jordana are already gone.

Michelle: They went to get something this early?

Vin: Michy it's pads 10 and no, they are going home until Sunday.

Michelle: Mmm, wish I had a home to go to.

Vin: Where's your family?

Michelle: It's just me.

Vin: That should be tough, your parents live in the DR?

Michelle: No their all gone, only family I have is my twin brothers and they live in the DR.

Vin: (touch her hand) I'm sorry to hear that.

Michelle: Nah man it's all good. That's the whole part of living, people die. I miss them but I've learned how to be ok with it.

Vin: So I guess it's just you and me tonight.

Michelle: I'm excited, I can't wait to see what's the hype.

Vin: My sister Sam coming in town Saturday can't wait to see her it's been a long time.

Michelle: How long?

Vin: A year.

Michelle: Woah, well I can't talk. I haven't seen my brothers in almost 5 years from trying to get my shit together.

Vin: Well it seems to me you have.

Michelle: (laughs) We will see after this movie wraps.

(Michelle gets up to go fix them something to drink and whines a little.)

Vin: Looks like it's swollen.

Michelle: It hurt like a bitch.

Vin: Come here let me look at it.

Michelle: What are you a doctor?

Vin: No, but I just want to make sure it's not broken.

(She walks over and sit down as he grabs her leg and place it on his lap. He takes his fingers and slowly insect her pinky toe.)

Michelle: Is it broken?

Vin: No, but I could be sprung.

Michelle: Do you think I will be able to go out tonight?

Vin: Can you walk on it?

Michelle: A little.

Vin: I think we should call cab to bring us and back.

Michelle: Good idea.

(By 10 that night her toe was feeling better and she was in her room getting ready. Vin was already ready and waiting for her in her living room.)

Vin: Michelle hurry up before we can't get in.

Michelle: I'm coming man hold your horses.

(He stands by the front door as she comes out of her room wearing some black skinny jeans, white tank top, and a black blazer. Vin eyes travel from her long beautiful legs to her gorgeous face.)

Vin: Damn!

Michelle: (smirks) See something you like.

Vin: I mean your hot how can I not notice.

Michelle: Come on let's go. I might get lucky tonight and get a few phone numbers.

Vin: Over my dead body.

(She looks back at him and locks the door before heading to the club. The can pulls up outside the club and he gets out before helping her. He takes her hand and they go to stand in line waiting to get in.)

Michelle: You think anyone would notice us?

Vin: (looks around) I hope not. How is your pinky?

Michelle: I feel a slight pain but nothing I can't handle.

(The lines moves and finally they make it into the club. They look around and find them a spot ducked off in a corner.)

Vin: (leans down) What are you drinking?

Michelle: Umm get me a shot and whatever they have that's fruity.

Vin: Alright, I'll be right back.

Michelle: Ok.

(He goes to get them some drinks to start off with while she stay at the booth. Michelle looks around watching people dancing and some already pass drunk. At that moment some guy comes up to her checking her out.)

Troy: Hey.

Michelle: Hi.

Troy: I seen you from across the room and I had to come talk to you.

Michelle: Ready about what?

Troy: I wanted to ask you if you'd like to dance?

Michelle: I don't even know you name.

Troy: Sorry about that, I'm Troy.

Michelle: Michelle.

Troy: Nice to meet you Michelle.

Michelle: You too Troy.

Troy: So do you want to dance?

(Just them Vin comes back with his ands full and she gets up to help him.)

Michelle: Here let me help you.

Vin: The beer is for me.

(She takes her drink as their finger brushes each others and felt a spark. She had forgot all about the guy until she sat down. Bold, the guy didn't even mind that she was with someone.)

Troy: You never answered my question?

Michelle: I'm sorry Troy but I can't.

Troy: (nod his head) It's cool shawty, maybe later.

Michelle: Yeah maybe.

(He walks off and Michelle could feel Vin eyes on her.)

Vin: He have major balls.

Michelle: Why you say that?

Vin: He asked you to dance and I was sitting right here.

Michelle: (laughs) Did you see his face?

Vin: He wasn't too happy I showed up.

Michelle: I'm glad you did.

(They both bust of laughing as Michelle takes her first shot of the night. Vin drinks his beer as they enjoy the scenery, and watching the people. Michelle gets up to go get them more drinks, and by her second shot she was loosing up.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now