Chapter 19

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(It was around 7pm the next day when Vin pulls up outside of Michelle's house. He gets out and knocks on her door waiting for her to answer. The door opens and he sees Michelle running back upstairs.)

VIN: What are you doing?

Michelle: I'm just finishing packing my last minute things.

Vin: I gave you a week to pack Michelle.

Michelle: (looks back) I got busy, so your whining I'm just about done.

Vin: I'm not whining just want to get there on time.

Michelle: Well you big goof, why don't you come up here and help.

Vin: Whatever.

(He shakes his head and follow her upstairs to her room. He walks in and see Michelle throwing some small things in a bag and zips it.)

Michelle: Can you grab that suitcase please and I'll get the carryon.

Vin: Did you pack enough for two weeks?

Michelle: Yes I did.

Vin: This one suitcase?

Michelle: I know, I plan on doing some shopping so I'll get another there.

Vin: Ok, just make sure you pack a throw, it gets cool at night.

Michelle: I did, now I'm ready.

Vin: Cool, let's get to the jet.

(They left out and made small talk while on the way to his private jet. Once they was aboard, Vin put there things away and got out a bottle of champagne.)

Michelle: This is nice Vin.

Vin: Thanks, it's been a year and I love it. I don't have to wait, just hop on and just go anywhere I want.

Michelle: (looks at the bottle) What's that for?

Vin: I think we should celebrate.

Michelle: (makes a face) And what are we celebrating?

Vin: Great lives , and us working together again.

Michelle: It has been years since we've worked together, I miss it.

Vin: Well here's to Dom and Letty coming back to small screens everywhere.

(Vin pours them a glass and they drinks it while he put some music on. Michelle goes to take a seat and waits for Vin to join her.)

Michelle: Mmm, this is some good stuff man. So tell me what is this short film is about?

Vin: Well it's more focused on the Dom and Letty characters. I wanted to show the world that not only do we race cars, but we also ride or die for each other. Letty is Dom's whole world and vise versa, they will travel to the end of earth for one another.

Michelle: Wow, you have really thought this through huh?

Vin: I have, but I can't do this without my ride or die. So what do you say partner? Want to show the world what two people who love each other looks like.

Michelle: (raise an eyebrow) I mean I'm down for whatever. I think we could pull this off. How hard could it be to let me guard down a little, and just be a girl who lets her guy be the guy.

Vin: (smirks) For you, very hard.

Michelle: (hits him) Shut up! I can be a very feminine, and lovey dovey woman when need to be.

Vin: (chuckle) Yeah I can't wait to see that.

Michelle: Whatever man kiss my ass.

Vin: Hey, wouldn't be the first time.

Michelle: Your so annoying. I'm going to go sit somewhere else before I punch you.

(She gets up like she's about to move when he stops her.)

Vin: Please don't leave me!

Michelle: (laughs) You sound like a wuss right about now.

Vin: Sit back down woman.

Michelle: So tell me Vin, what your girlfriend think of you going away for two weeks with little ole me?

Vin: Pam is not my girlfriend. She's just a really good friend who sometime encourages me to do half the shit I've done.

Michelle: How long have you've known her?

Vin: Two years, she's really the best and she has helped me with a lot mentally.

Michelle: Yeah you're hitting that.

Vin: (smirks) We haven't put a title on it but we do go out a few times and she's just a great woman.

Michelle: Well that's good man. I'm happy someone is keeping you happy, she sounds like a good person.

Vin: So what about you?

Michelle: What about me?

Vin: Seeing anyone special?

Michelle: (blows out air) Pfff, you know I can't keep a relationship to save my life. I've had a few people here and there but nothing serious, just there to take care of my needs.

Vin: What happened with that guy you was seeing last year?

Michelle: (roll her eyes) Too clingy, I dumped him after eight months. The only reason I kept him that long was because....the sex was great.

Vin: (makes a face) I really don't need to know that.

Michelle: What you asked!

Vin: Not about that part, but I should have known you will share anything.

Michelle: My bad! So as of now I'm single and ready to mingle.

(Michelle feeling the champagne gets up and start dancing to the song playing. Vin shakes his head and smiles as he watch her. She moves her hips to the beat and then moves close to Vin and pulls him up.)

Vin: What are you doing?

Michelle: Dance with me.

Vin: Your drunk!

Michelle: No, just a little tipsy and I'm feeling good. We really need to hang out more Vin, no one else understands me, and it can get really lonely in this cold world. Out of all the people who has come into my life, you have been the only consistent one.

Vin: I told you ride or die for life Michelle.

(Michelle giggles from the tipsy state she's in as she grabs Vin and dance around him. They both have big smiles on their faces and is enjoying this moment. Feeling himself Vin grabs her hip and pulls her close to him. Off balance she falls into him as he looks down at her, and they stare at each other with no words said.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now