Chapter 42

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(Two days later it was time for Vin and Michelle's wedding and they both were a nervous wreck. Michelle was getting her hair and makeup done while Vin was putting on his tie. Just as he was about to put his shoes on a knock came.)

Vin: It's open.

Omar: Hey man.

Raul: Hey.

Vin: (smiles) Thank god you two made it she's going to be so surprised.

Omar: She sounded really sad when I told her we couldn't make it but we could miss this day.

Raul: Yeah man you're making an honest woman out of her.

Vin: I think it's the other way around.

Omar: I'm just happy she found her person.

Raul: Little Mayte getting hitched. Mom and Dad would be so proud if they were here.

Vin: Well I'm dressed so if you need the room it's all yours I'm going to head to my place.

Omar: Welcome to the family Vin.

Raul: Yeah, maybe after we can all get together.

Vin: I'd love that. See you guys at the altar.

(He walks out to leave them to get ready and bumps into Sid.)

Sid: Well if it isn't the handsome groom.

Vin: Sid glad you made it.

Sid: I wouldn't miss this day for nothing plus I hate lying to her.

Vin: I know I just want this day to be special for her.

Sid: It's your day too bro now where is the bride?

Vin: I can't see her yet but she's in one of the rooms getting ready.

Sid: OK, and see you at the altar.

(As he leaves she makes her way to each door until she finds the right one.)

Sarah: Who's there?

Sid: I Sid, Michelle's best friend.

Michelle: Sid oh my god.

(She gets up and goes to hug her friend.)

Sid: Surprise.

Michelle: (teary-eyed) What, how are you here?

Sid: You can thank that man of yours.

Michelle: What do you mean?

Sid: When he heard that I couldn't make it he called my manager and I was given four days off.

Michelle: But you don't have a dress.

Sid: Actually I do.

Sam: Sid your dress is on the rack so hurry and get dressed.

(Michelle is shocked and very hormonal she busts out crying.)

Michelle: When did you have time to do this?

Sarah: You have a very persistent husband dear. He made sure Sam kept Sid in the loop on when to go try on her dress because he knew how much you wanted her to be here.

Michelle: (wipes her eyes) God I'm a mess.

Sarah: Here sit while we get you refreshed.

(After thirty minutes it was time to go head to the ceremony. As she walked out she almost fell to her knees as she saw her brothers.)

Michelle: Omar, Raul what?

Omar: I'm sorry we had to lie to you.

Raul: It was Vin. After he learned that we couldn't make it he made a plan. Our bosses gave us time off and we had two tickets waiting for us.

(Michelle walks up to them and hugs them as she tries not to mess up her makeup again.)

Sarah: My son I tell you.

Michelle: OK, I need to get to that altar.

Omar: Come on sis, we are here to give you away.

(They each stood on a side and she looped her arms through theirs. As they make their way Michelle smiles and thinks about her life. She couldn't be more happy with the way it has turned out. She finally has a family she can call her own and the love of her life.)

Raul: You're ready baby girl.

Michelle: More than ready, let's do this.

Omar: You look beautiful.

Michelle: Thank you.

(Everyone waited until it was time for her to come out and then all eyes were on her. Vin locks eyes with her and that's when the floodgates start. Everyone is in awe as her brothers walk her down the aisle. When she makes it to the front Vin takes her hands and she stands in front of him.)

Vin: (whispers) I love you, you look gorgeous.

Michelle: (blush) I love you too.

(The family sits and watches as these two love birds never take their eyes off each other.)

Pastor: Mark do you take Michelle to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Vin: (grins hard) I do!

Pastor: Michelle do you take Mark to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Michelle: (smiles) I do!

Pastor: As the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.

Vin: Finally!

(Vin grabs Michelle and pulls her flush against him cupping her face and kissing her. As the kiss continues, they can hear their guests in the background. His kids run up to them and hug them as tears run down their eyes.)

Michelle: (wipes his tears) We did it.

Vin: (kisses her) We did and I couldn't be more happy.

Michelle: Yeah, I wish we could skip the reception but we have guests to entertain.

Vin: Later.

Sarah: Alright you two.

Vin: I'm just kissing my wife.

Sarah: Well save it for the honeymoon. You have guests to entertain and kids who are hungry.

Vin: Coming mama.

(He makes a face while Michelle tries to cover her laugh as he pouts. They walk inside and everyone yells congratulations again. They take their seats tosses are said and food is passed out. After pictures and dancing it was time to cut the cake as everyone gathered around. They cut the cake and feed each other before she smashes the cake in his face. Laughing she tried to move but he had her trapped and before she could run cake was all in her hair.)

Michelle: Oh you're going to get it.

Vin: I hope so.

Michelle: OK calm down horndog.

Vin: I have a beautiful, sexy wife who I can't wait to get out of this dress.

(He wraps his arms around her as she turns to their guests.)

Michelle: OK can I have everyone's attention, please?

Sarah: Quiet down.

Vin: Michelle and I want to thank everyone for coming and celebrating this amazing day with us.

Omar: Here, here.

Sam: Proud of you big bro.

Michelle: We also have some very exciting news to share with you all.

Camryn: What? What is it?

Vin: We're having a baby.

(Everyone was shocked except Sid who had a big smile on her face. The kids were jumping up and down shouting. His mother comes over and hugs them both as tears of joy fall down her face. By midnight, Vin and Michelle make it to their own private suite where they make love as husband and wife.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now