Chapter 29

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(It's been a year and a half since Paul death and some were still taking it hard. They finally wrapped Furious 7, and was set to hit theaters. Michelle was spiraling out of control and was lost. It's has gotten so bad that she was showing up to work late. She would party, doing drugs, drinking, and having sex with whomever.)

(Everyone was sitting around waiting for Michelle to show up to set. Eight hours later she finally makes her way and everyone is not happy.)

Michelle: Sorry I'm late guys, I had something to take care of.

Vin: And a phone call was too much.

Michelle: Look I'm here so where do you want me?

Justin: Michelle we will have to do your scenes another day. It's past time and we are all tired.

Michelle: What no, I'm here and I'm ready.

Tyrese: Michelle it's no big deal.

Jordana: It's been a really long day and I need a shower.

Michelle: (frustrated) I'm here now, it's not like we haven't worked over eight hours before.

Vin: Michelle the day is over. I think it's best if you went and get some sleep.

Michelle: I'm not a child Vin, I can do my damn job.

(Everyone starts to get up because they know how it can get.)

Vin: I never said you were, but you are acting like one Michelle. We have been here all day waiting for you and you're just getting here. As a matter of fact you have been late, hungover, or high.

Michelle: I'm not about to stay here for this shit.

(She turns to walk away but he grabs her arm.)

Vin: No you're not leaving.

Michelle: (screams) Let me go Vin.

Vin: No, you need to calm down.

Michelle: I'm not your fucking kid or your woman.

Vin: No you're my best friend and I'm really concerned about your mental state.

Michelle: Well don't be, I'm fine.

Vin: Who do you think you're fooling?

Michelle: Can I go?

Vin: You need some rest. Why don't you come back to my place? The kids are there, my mom been asking about you. You can have one of the rooms and get a good nights rest.

Michelle: I don't want to cause any trouble with Patricia.

Vin: It's no trouble. Please Michelle, do it for me just for two days?

Michelle: (sigh) Ok, only if your mom cooks my favorite.

Vin: I'll call her and let her know.

Michelle: I really don't like you sometimes.

Vin: (laughs) I know, but I'm only looking out for you.

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now