Chapter 14

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(Michelle goes for Jason again, Hanna gets up and tackles her to the floor. The two women wrestles until Michelle was able to pin her down and swings on her. Hanna screams for Jason to help her as she fight Michelle blows. Jason comes behind her wrapping his arms around her pulling her away.)

Michelle: You were my best friend, how could you do this to me?

Hanna: Oh please, you had a good man who actually cared about you, and you wanted to dump him.

Michelle: You know why I wanted to end things. I've shared very intimate information with you and the whole time you was plotting.

(Michelle tried to get out of Jason grip to hit her again.)

Jason: Michelle stop it.

Michelle: (hits him) Why?

Jason: Michelle I loved you. Yes I had my issues but I was working through them. You gave up on our relationship a long time ago.

Michelle: But I gave us another try Jason. We were working things out and it was going great.

(She was about to say something else when their was a knock on his door. Hanna gets dressed and Jason pulls Michelle out his bedroom. He lets her go to go answer and sees two police officers at the door.)

Jason: May I help you?

Police: Ummm yes, we got a call about a disturbance.

Jason: (looks back) I'm sorry for that, it is all a misunderstanding.

Hanna: No it was not, his ex girlfriend attacked me.

Police: Is this true? Is she still here?

Hanna: She over there.

Jason: Hanna?

Hanna: What, she should have kept her hands to herself.

(The policeman pushes Jason door open and sees Michelle by the wall. He motion for her to come towards him as he take in her appearance.)

Police: Do you live here ma'am?

Michelle: No, this is my boyfriends house. I just came here to check on him and found them.

Police: Is he your ex boyfriend or???

Michelle: He is now.

Hanna: I want to press charges.

Police: Ok, you both will need to come down to the police station.

Michelle: What you can't be serious? You fucked my boyfriend and get your ass kicked and your pressing charges.

Jason: Look, I never wanted you to find out this way Michelle. I was going to tell you but you got busy and just wasn't the right time.

Michelle: Whatever.

(The officer walk up to her.)

Police: Ma'am can you turn around for me please?

Michelle: Your really going to handcuff me?

Police: Yes, you attacked someone and that's a crime.

(Michelle sigh and turns as the officer grabs her wrist a little to hard and cuff her. They escort her out the house and puts her in the backseat of their car.)

(After hours in the interrogation room, she was finally able to go home. The officer took her to get her car and she headed straight home. Once there her mind was all over the place and it was a matter of time before it was in the tabloids.)

(By the next day it was on every morning show and TMZ. Michelle woke to multiple texts and calls but ignored them all. She wasn't in the mood to talk, or deal with what happened yesterday. So she spent the next few days just closed up in her house with a bottle of tequila.)

(It was around nine at night when she heard her doorbell and frowned. She gets up and almost tripped over her own drunken feet. She makes it to the door and looks through the peephole, seeing someone standing to close so she couldn't see them.)

Vin: Michelle I know your there, I heard you stumble.

(She opens the door and looks up to see Vin smiling down at her. He moves passed her seeing the state she's in before he looks around.)

Michelle: (sigh) No one else is here. What are you doing here?

Vin: I came to check on you.

Michelle: Why?

Vin: Because we're best friends, and I miss you.

Michelle: You have a very funny way of showing it.

(She closes the door and walks back to the sofa and plops down.)

Vin: How much you had to drink?

Michelle: Not enough.

(Vin sits down next to her and watches her.)

Vin: What's going on Michelle?

Michelle: Nothing I can't handle. I'm fine Vin you didn't have to come here to check on me.

Vin: I heard what happened. Getting arrested for fighting with your roommate and then ignoring my calls and texts.

Michelle: Look if you can here to yell at me, save it. Besides you shouldn't believe everything you see or hear.

Vin: So tell me why you was arrested for domestic violence and now drinking yourself to death.

(He takes the bottle off the table and heads to the kitchen to pour the rest out. Michelle comes up behind him to stop him but he uses his arm to hold her away.)

Michelle: Give it back?

Vin: No, this is not ok Michelle. Are you trying to destroy your career and ruin your reputation?

Michelle: It wasn't my fucking fault ok.

(She gets around him and goes to get another bottle from her cabinet. He moves and comes up behind her trying to remove that bottle. She fights against him as he wraps his arms around her small frame.)

Vin: Let it go!

Michelle: No, I'm a grown woman and if I want to have a drink I will. Why don't you just leave and forget about me for another two years.

Vin: What's going on with you?

Michelle: It's none of your damn business.

(He gets that bottle away and pours it out to as he watches her storm away and up the stairs. After he made sure she had no more alcohol, he goes up to check on her and finds her door locked.)

Vin: Michelle?

Michelle: Leave me alone.

Vin: Talk to me. Maybe I can help you with whatever it is.

(He stands there for a few minutes to see if she will open the door. After he realizes it's not happening, he turns and goes back downstairs and wait. It was a few hours later when he woke up to loud and yelling voices.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now