Chapter 26

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(It's the year of 2013, furious 6 was released and now they are working on furious 7. Since then Vin is about to welcome a third kid, a baby girl. It was the seventh week on set and everything is going good.)

James: Ok everybody listen up! I know this has been a challenge but I must say that everyone is going a great job. Michelle, I got to give it to you, you're selling the shit out of this amnesia role.

Michelle: Hey what can I say, I'm just good like that.

Vin: And I couldn't ask for a better partner.

Jordana: Aww that's sweet.

Paul: What are we chopped liver.

(Everyone laughs.)

Vin: Hey Paul don't you have that car show to go to in La?

Paul: Yeah man I can't wait. A buddy of mine is going with me and we will be driving some sweet rides.

Tyrese: Hey they can be no sweeter than we have here.

Michelle: Amen.

Paul: Maybe, but I'm going to enjoy it either way.

Luda: Well I will be with my wife and her family this year.

Vin: Yeah we're just going to stay here and hang out. Patricia family is going to join us, her mom makes a mean casserole.

Jordana: I will be meeting Mikes family so you know how that's going to go.

Tyrese: My mom's cooking so you know where I'll be.

Michelle: Well damn, I guess I'll have to find me somebody since I'm single and shit.

Vin: Stay here with me.

Michelle: Vin I do not want to impose on your family.

Vin: Your not imposing, and you are family. Baby P will be here and I know you want to see your goddaughters.

Michelle: (sigh) Fine, I do miss them.

(Days went by and Michelle found herself in the kitchen with Patricia helping with food. Over the years her and Pat has grown a good friendship and the kids adore their aunt.)

(It was a few days after thanksgiving and everyone was set to be back in two days. It was around 8 that night, Vin was sitting around with his kids when his sister comes running in. She has a scared look on her face as she stares at him in disbelief.)

Vin: Sam what is it?

Sam: We need to leave now.

Vin: (puts Baby P down) What why?

Sam: Something happened to Paul.

Vin: (gets up) What?

Sam: (starts crying) Something happened to Paul, Vin.

(Vin takes out his phone and dial Paul number and got nothing. So he called Paul's manager and he picks up right away.)

Vin: Terry what's going on? My sister just told me something happened to Paul.

Terry: (voice shakes) Ummmm you need to get to La.

Vin: Tell me what the fuck is going on now Terry.

Terry: It's not good Vin, he was in a car accident. It's all over the news, no one old you.

(Just them Michelle and Pat comes in after hearing him yelling.)

Michelle: Vin what'a going on?

Pat: Baby?

Vin: Terry, is he ok?

Terry: (sigh) No he is not ok.

Vin: He's dead?

Terry: Yeah, he didn't suffer Vin.

Vin: FUCK!

(In that moment Vin grabs a vase and throws it again a wall. The kids gets scared and starts crying as Pat tries to calm them. Michelle breathing heavy moves to Vin and grabs his arm. He brace himself against the counter as he tries to calm down.)

Michelle: Vin, what happened?

Vin: He's gone Michelle.

Michelle: Who's gone Vin?

Vin: Paul.

Michelle: (shocked) What?

Vin: Car accident.

Michelle: No, I just talked to him last night.

Vin: Sam turn on the news.

Sam: Vin?

Vin: Do it.

(As soon as she turns it on they see it and then the phone starts going off. Vin look at his phone and sees Paul brother calling and answers. Getting confirmation from him did it and Vin collapse in tears. Pat runs to his side and holds him as their kids look around confused. Michelle slides down the wall and hug her knees to her chest.)

(A few minutes pass before Vin gets up and starts dissing out orders. In two hours him and his family is packed and headed back to La. Michelle gets on the Jet and head straight to the bedroom to be alone. She sits on the bed and scroll through her phone.)

Vin: Michelle can I come in?

Michelle: (voice low) Yeah!

(Vin opens the door and she looks up at him with tears on her face. He moves to sit next to her and pulls her into his chest as she breakdown.)

Vin: We need to be strong for Paul's family.

Michelle: He is our family too. Why did this have to happen?

Vin: I don't know.

Michelle: Where did it happen?

Vin: He and his friends was test driving a car when the friend lost control and crashed bursting into flames.

Michelle: (cries) God!

Vin: Look he needs up to be strong right now. We have to be strong, he was our brother and now Melody needs us now more than ever.

Michelle: I just can't get what we talked about out my head. We were talking about doing some great things, saving the world and shit.

Vin: He always was the one who wanted to do more in this crazy world.

(She got angry just thinking about it and she pushes herself away from Vin. She pulls her arm back and swing hitting the wall.)

Michelle: FUCK!

Vin: Michelle stop.

Michelle: (crying) This can't be real. This feels like like a really bad dream and somebody is playing a joke.

Vin: It's real Michelle. He's gone and he died doing something he loved.

(Michelle only cried harder as she fists Vin shirt in her hands. She bury her face into his chest as he holds her and try his best to console her. After a few minutes she had finally cried herself to sleep. He watches her for a moment before he bends and kiss her forehead. He pulls the cover over her and leaves the room to check on his kids.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now