Chapter 23

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(It's passed eleven when Vin comes back to the house. Michelle was on the sofa watching something on the tv when he comes in and plops down. He has a grin on his face and she rolls her eyes and shake her head at him.)

Michelle: So how was your date?

Vin: It was great.

Michelle: I'm happy for you Vin.

Vin: It was nothing I've ever experienced before. She's different you know, not because she's my assistant, but she actually tries to help me. She's smart, funny, kind, gorgeous, and she tries to encourage me.

Michelle: Let me guess, you got you some?

Vin: Who says I did?

Michelle: That's stupid grin on your face and that huge hickey on your neck.

Vin: See that's where you're wrong Michelle. I didn't have sex with her tonight, we just talked and maybe have made out for two hours, but that was it.

Michelle: (arch an eyebrow) Wow, well I guess she's something special.

Vin: So what have you been doing all night?

Michelle: Nothing, just looking for flights.

Vin: (confused) Looking for flights for what? You're not due back to La until another two days.

Michelle: Well my work here is done, so I figured why not head back home.

Vin: Why?

Michelle: Because I'm ready to get back home.

Vin: Now, all of a sudden?

Michelle: Yes I have some very important things to take care of.

Vin: Bullshit.

Michelle: Look why don't you just leave me alone.

(Not liking the tone in her voice her turns and looks at her.)

Vin: What the hell is your problem?

Michelle: I don't have a problem Vin.

Vin: You most certainly do have a problem and I've noticed it this morning. Now are you going to tell me what's the matter?

Michelle: It's none of your business.

(She gets up to make space between them before she punches him.)

Vin: Your jealous.

Michelle: Excuse me?

Vin: You heard me, I said you're jealous. What must I be miserable too because you are?

Michelle: You don't know shit.

Vin: Are you mad because I'm dating Patricia now?

Michelle: Oh please! Does your little girlfriend know we fucked just a few days ago?

Vin: No, and why should she? We just made it official today, what's in the past is in the past. We all make dumb mistakes we can't take back, so what we had sex. We've had sex plenty of times, but that's just what it was sex.

Michelle: (feeling hurt) You know what Vin, before all of this started, I was going to tell you that maybe we should give it another try. I can't believe I let my feelings for you get to me while being here. But I'm so glad to know that it all meant nothing, that I was just a quick fuck to wet your dick.

Vin: Michelle?

Michelle: NO! I'm done, and don't worry I'm not going to tell your girlfriend she doesn't deserve that.

(She turns to walk away.)

Vin: Michelle let's just calm down and talk.

Michelle: I'm done talking and I don't need to hear whatever it is you have to say.

Vin: You can't just leave tomorrow, we have a meeting. We still have to discuss the next project. You signed a contract for the next installment and you can't break that.

Michelle: I'm not going to back out of the contract for Furious 4. I will call Greg tomorrow and talk to him over the phone. But once that's done so am I, I will not be just a body to keep your bed warm when she can't.

Vin: Michelle please.

Michelle: Fuck you Vin.

(With that she walks away and slams her door. She bits her bottom lip to keep her anger inside. After she has calmed down, she takes out her suitcase and start packing for her 4 a.m flight back to La. She arranged for a cab to pick her up and take her to the airport.)

(By 8 the next morning everything of Michelle's was gone. Vin woke up expecting for her to be there but after checking the house he realized she left. Sighing he goes to get ready for his 10 o'clock meeting with Greg.)

(It's been six months since the incident and he hasn't heard from Michelle. His relationship with Patricia has become stronger and deeper. But at the end of the day he still missed his best friend.)

(The next month it was production day for the start of Furious 4. Everyone has shown up and was in the read room. Vin greets everyone and takes his seat as he looks around for Michelle. Ten minutes later she shows up, apologizes, and takes her seat in the far corner.)

(As the meeting proceeds, Paul and Jordana notice some tension in the room. They also notice the once best friends has barely said one work to one another.)

Greg: Ok everyone knows what's needs to happen?

Vin: Yeah.

Paul: I must say that the plot twist surprises me.

Jordana: Yeah!

Greg: Michelle how do you feel about this?

Michelle: I think it's great.

(Everyone looks at her and is speechless by her choice of words.)

Paul: Michelle your getting killed off, you're not going to fight it?

Michelle: No! Maybe it's time to focus on something new.

Jordana: Ok, this is weird.

Greg: Michelle you sure you're feeling alright? I was prepared to change it if....

Michelle: No I'm fine with it, really.

Greg: (sigh) Ok, well I think that's all. I will see everyone bright and early tomorrow morning.

Vin: Ok, well if you guys are up to it I rented a house for us to stay so food, and drinks on me.

Paul: I'm down.

Jordana: I could use something to eat.

Vin: Then it's settled. It's just 10, so everything should be done by 3.

Greg: Don't party to hard guys.

Jordana: We won't.

(As everyone was leaving she turns to Michelle.)

Michelle: What?

Jordana: Are you coming to Vin's?

(Everyone turns to look at her.)

Michelle: Umm I think I'm going to go back to the room and unpack.

Jordana: Michelle?

Michelle: Look, it's just been a long month for me and I just want some rest before tomorrow.

Jordana: Sure, I guess we will see you tomorrow.

(She nodded before leaving out behind Greg and heading to her car. She gets in and peels off before anyone else could stop her. Once to her room she grabs a beer and goes to sit out on the balcony. She drinks enough so she can pass out and sleep until the next morning.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now