Chapter 9

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(After an eventful night out for her birthday, her and Vin decided to go a hotel. They spent the rest of the weekend there just in bed and really getting to know each other personally.)

(It was the last day shooting the last part for the movie and it was a bittersweet day. The cast all hung out one last time before it was time to wrap it up.)

Paul: So what's next for you guys?

Jordana: I'm going to go see my parents and then maybe see what else I can get into.

Vin: I'm going home and then I have another movie to go do.

Michelle: Same, I have two or three.

Paul: Damn Michelle, how your going to manage that?

Michelle: (chuckle) I don't know man, but I'm going to manage. I was thinking of going to the DR to check on my brothers before I start on the next one.

Vin: So how do you think this movie will impact the world?

Paul: I think we have something here man.

Jordana: I'm excited can't wait to see it.

Vin: I think we should go to a theater and watch it.

Michelle: I'm down, but right now I need to be heading out. I'm suppose to be meeting this lady about an apartment tomorrow.

Vin: Yeah I'm going to head out too, I promised my mom I would call her once we finished.

Paul: Well I need to get home to my kid, see you guys later.

(They all said goodbye and went their separate ways. Michelle went home to an empty apartment for the first time since her and Vin started dating. Later that night she gets a call and sees it's Vin and answers.)

Michelle: Miss me already?

Vin: Open the door.

Michelle: What, I thought we was giving each other a break and actually getting some rest.

Vin: I just want to sleep with you.

(She gets up and opens the door seeing him standing there against the doorframe. She smiles up at him before she pulls him into the apartment.)

Michelle: (kisses him) What's on your mind?

Vin: What I can't just want to get a good nights rest?

Michelle: I've known you for eight months Vin. I know when you have something on your mind, so what's up?

Vin: I'm just thinking about us and how will this work if we're both busy and apart.

Michelle: Come on.

(She takes his hand and pulls him to her bed and climb on it. She rest against the headboard as he climbs on the bed and between her legs. He leans against her and she wraps an arm around him caressing his chest.)

Vin: Can we make this work?

Michelle: I think we can.

Vin: I love what we have.

Michelle: I do too. Your my best friend Vin, and nothing will ever come between that.

Vin: (smirks) We're just two kids trying to make it out the ghetto.

Michelle: (laugh) Trust me, I don't ever want to go back.

Vin: I can't believe you survived any of that from what you told me.

Michelle: Yeah man, but it made me who I am today.

Vin: Yeah and look at you now. I'm so happy you came across my television screen, I was hooked as soon as I saw those eyes.

Michelle: (blush) Your such a big teddy bear.

(He turns and snuggles into her stomach and rest his head over her heart. She lie back some more and just lay there listening to the rain falling.)

Vin: This is a very comfortable spot.

Michelle: Glad you like it.

Vin: Am I too heavy?

Michelle: (yawns) No your fine now go to sleep.

(He kisses her stomach.)

Vin: Goodnight Michelle.

Michelle: Night Vin.

(They fell to sleep wrapped in each other arms with smiles on their faces. The next few days was filled with Vin helping Michelle move into her new apartment. They would go a weeks before seeing each other again, but they talked everyday.)

(It was approaching their one year anniversary, and things seemed to be going well. Vin had planned a nice dinner for the both of them somewhere in Mexico. He wanted them to be able to be together and not have to worry about anyone seeing them.)

Vin: Hey your ready?

Michelle: Yeah, just give me a few more minutes.

Vin: Michelle you had since yesterday to get ready.

Michelle: Hey, I'm still a girl. I want to make sure I have everything I need for this secret getaway your taking me on.

Vin: Hurry up woman.

(Once she was done he load their things in his car, and they make their way to the destination. They talk and laugh about their childhood and things they want to do in their careers. It was a little pass six when they finally gets their destination.)

Michelle: Vin what is this?

Vin: I figured we could use some privacy so I rented this place.

Michelle: (looks around) Oh my god!

Vin: Beautiful right?

Michelle: It's gorgeous, you really went all out huh.

Vin: Well it's been a few weeks since we've seen each other and this is the only time we have off.

(He helps her out the car and they make their was inside. As soon as he gets her through the door, she's pushed up against it.)

Michelle: (gasp) Oofs, someone's anxious.

Vin: I've missed you.

Michelle: (smiles) I missed you too.

(He grabs her chin and looks at her before he leans in and capture her lips with his. Michelle moans as she wraps her arms around him. Vin uses his tongue to open her mouth wider before he sticks his tongue in.)

Vin: (groan) You smell good.

Michelle: (chuckle) I hope so.

(They make out for a little while longer until they had to pull away to breath.)

Vin: I need to get the bags.

Michelle: Need any help?

Vin: No I got it. Why don't you go find a menu to see what we're eating tonight.

(She kisses him once more before heading to the kitchen to find a menu. Vin goes out side to get the bags from the trunk. He opens his bag and makes sure what he brought is still there. He heads in and place the bags by the stairs, and then go to find Michelle.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now