Chapter 7

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(It was the next day when her alarm goes off and she gets up to get her day started. Vin texted her the time and address for the diner to meet him at. She showers and puts on a pair of blue jeans, a black tank top, with some sandals. She grabs her keys and head out the door to go meet Vin and his sister.)

(She make it to the diner in fifteen minutes and gets out. She walks in and looks around seeing Vin as he waved her over. She walks up and he gets up to pull her into a hug.)

Vin: Good morning, glad you could make it.

Michelle: (smiles) Morning, Vin you know I'll never turn down free food.

(He laughs as he helps her with her chair.)

Vin: Michelle I would like for you to meet my best friend, my baby sister Samantha. Sam this is my cast mate Michelle who has become a really good friend.

Michelle: (looks at Sam) It's nice to meet you.

Sam: Same here, it's not everyday Vin introduces me to one of his friends.

Michelle: Mmm well I guess I must be special.

Vin: (laughs) Your not that special.

(She gives him a look and arch an eyebrows.)

Sam: So how's the movies coming along?

Vin: It's going great. It's the cars and getting to know some real cool people for me.

Michelle: Yeah, I can say that this is the best cast I've worked with.

Vin: So how's back home?

Sam: Well it hasn't been the same since you up and left.

Vin: I didn't up and leave, I told you and mom bye.

Sam: Yah, but we have missed you.

Vin: Awww I missed you too.

Sam: Michelle what about your family?

Michelle: Well both my parents are long gone now, and I lost my grandmother two years ago. I still have my older twin brothers back in the DR.

Sam: Ouuu The DR is nice.

Michelle: Yeah, I really miss it.

(They continue to talk in which Vin gets to know a little more about Michelle. After they was done Michelle tells them that she had some errands to run.)

Vin: Hey let me walk you out.

Michelle: (rolls her eyes) I'm a big girl Vin.

Vin: I know, but just humor me here.

Sam: Don't worry Michelle, he did the same to me it's just means he care.

Michelle: I can only imagine how that was.

Vin: Hey I'm the best big brother.

Sam: More like a pain in my ass, but I love you.

Michelle: Nice meeting you Sam.

Sam: You too Michelle, I hope to see more of you around.

Vin: (gives her a look) Why don't you call your boyfriend or something.

Sam: What it's been centuries since you've dated.

Vin: I'm going to go walk Michelle out.

Sam: Ok Vinny.

(Michelle chuckle a little before he walks with her outside.)

Vin: So can we meet up later tonight or??

Michelle: Vin your sister just got into town, so why don't you two catch up.

Vin: I was hoping we could talk about last night.

Michelle: (checks him out) Can't get enough huh?

Vin: Maybe, but I really just want to talk. Get to know you on a personal level, and vice versa.

Michelle: (smiles) You sure your sister wouldn't mind?

Vin: Michelle she's not here just for me.

Michelle: (thinking) Ok, come over around nine.

Vin: Ok, I'll see you later.

Michelle: Ok!

(She gets into her car and drives off a she watches him in the rear view. She shakes her head as she smiles thinking about the last night.)

(At nine that night there was a knock on her door. She goes to answer pulling it open and is pushed in the room and up against the wall. She struggles before she smell the familiar scent and relax immediately.)

Michelle: What?

Vin: Miss me?

Michelle: Dammit Vin, I almost kicked you in the balls.

Vin: (kiss her) Please don't, I need those.

Michelle: (chuckle) Your an ass man.

Vin: How was the rest of your day?

Michelle: Ran a few errands, went to the gym, and now I'm all nice and fresh out the shower.

Vin: (groans) Mmm.

(He bury his face in her neck as he holds her hands against the wall. Michelle closes her eyes as she feel his lips on her skin.)

Michelle: V.. Vin.

Vin: Uh huh.

Michelle: We really need to talk.

Vin: Do we really?

Michelle: (pushes him) Yes, we do man.

(Vin groans and moves to the kitchen as she looks at him.)

Vin: Fine, let's talk first and then we can finish what I started.

Michelle: No.

Vin: Why not?

Michelle: Because I'm not just an piece of ass, who's here whenever you feel like you need to get your dick wet.

Vin: (looks at her) Is that what you think of me?

Michelle: (shrugs her shoulders) I don't know are you?

(Vin moves closer to her and takes her by the shoulders.)

Vin: Michelle that's not what this is I swear. I just feel like we have a deep connection and I really like just being with you. I don't have any friends here, except you and the others on set. I would never think of you as just another piece of ass, I mean it is a nice piece of ass.

(She hits him.)

Michelle: Your a dick.

Vin: Look Michelle, I really like you ok. I want to get to really know you not just as a bed buddy, but someone I can see in my life for a long time. Now if I'm reading into this wrong, I apologize and I promise to keep whatever this is between us as friends.

Michelle: I like you too. I'm sorry for accusing you for just wanting to have sex with me. I think a conversation won't hurt to know where we both stand. I mean we are working on a movie set together, and I don't want our personal life to come between the business side of it.

Vin: Ok, so let's talk and get everything off our chests.

(He gives her a look that damn near makes her knees weak, and she feels her body responding. She bite her lip as she walks up to him and pulls his head down kissing him. She surprises him as her hands comes up and pulls his shirt up and off him.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now