Chapter 32

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(They sat there in silence for a few minutes too long before Vin started talking.)

Vin: All this happened because of Patricia. I found out a few months ago that she has been sneaking around. I finally confronted her and she told me it's been going on for three years.

Michelle: Vin, that would mean....

Vin: She's mine, I already had the test done on her and the other two.

Michelle: Oh thank god. Did she say why she did what she did?

Vin: Money and I could give her the lifestyle she wanted. But when the kids came along it became too much. She told me she never wanted kids and that she did it for me.

Michelle: (gets angry) I'm going to kill her.

Vin: No, she's not worth it. I filed for sole custody and she will never see them again. The older two will have a difficult time adjusting, but Bella will be ok.

Michelle: I'm so sorry this happened.

Vin: She pushed her down the stairs.

Michelle: Why?

Vin: Because she kept crying asking if you can come over. You know Patricia always held a grudge against you. She yelled at her and before I could stop it, she pushed her and I tried to catch her. I ran behind her to try and grab her but it happened to fast.

(Vin broke down as Michelle got up to hold him. He buried his face into her stomach and held on tight. Michelle ran her hand down his back and caresses the back of his head.)

Michelle: It's ok, I'm here now so you can just let it all out.

Vin: How could she do this to her own kid.

Michelle: I don't know.

(Michelle holds him until he calms down before asking if he needed anything before she left.)

Vin: Thank you for being here Michelle.

Michelle: Of course you know I would do anything for those kids and you.

Vin: I'm going to try and get some rest.

Michelle: Ok, and I'll be back in the morning. I'll bring something to eat so don't even try and say you're not hungry.

Vin: I won't and thanks again for being here.

Michelle: Always! Ride or die remember.

(Over the next few months Vin takes off to get everything situated with his kids and court. Michelle has been there every step of the way and then some. Michelle was putting Bella to bed when she heard a commotion downstairs.)

Vin: What are you doing here?

Patricia: I'm here to see my kids.

Vin: Why, you e made it very clear you don't want them.

Patricia: (roll her eyes) I'm still there mother.

Vin: Mothers don't abandon her kids and toss them down some stairs. Now I'm not going to tell you again to get off my property.

(Ignoring him she pushes her way into his home and starts to yell for her kids. The older two comes to the stairwell and looks down.)

Patricia: Hey my babies, can you come down so I can see you?

Vin: No, go to your room now.

(They hurry and go to their rooms as Michelle comes out of Bella's room. She sees Patricia and makes her way downstairs.)

Michelle: You have a lot of nerve.

Patricia: Oh shove it Michelle.

Vin: Patricia it's time for you to go.

Patricia: What you two playing house now huh?

(She looks at Michelle with a nasty scowl on her face.)

Vin: Leave or I'm calling the police.

Patricia: Tell me Michelle, I bet you couldn't wait for me to leave so you can steal my kids and fuck my fiancé.

Michelle: Oh please Patricia, I'm not even about to entertain your foolishness. I should beat your ass for what you did to them, to Bella. You're a poor excuse of a mother and I pray for your sake they learn to forgive you one day. So why don't you run along and leave because you will never see Bella again.

(At the Patricia lounge at Michelle tackling her to the floor. Michelle rolls them as she throws punches to her face as Patricia starts screaming.)

Patricia: Get the fuck off of me.

Michelle: I warned you, I'm going to fucking kill you bitch.

(Unknown by Michelle, Patricia pulls out a switchblade and slice her shoulder. Michelle yelps before she knocks it out of her hand. Michelle grabs her hair and slams her head down as Patricia scratches and tries to bite Michelle. Vin moves towards them and wraps his arms around Michelle pulling her away.)

Michelle: That bitch cut me.

Patricia: I'm pressing charges.

Michelle: Try it and see what happens.

(Vin walks up to Michelle expecting her wound. Fire burns in his eyes as he sees blood drip onto the floor.)

Vin: Patricia get the fuck out of my house.

Patricia: This isn't over, I will be back for them just watch and see.

Michelle: Yeah, and I'm going to beat your ass again. Come near them and I will not hesitate to end you.

Patricia: Is that a threat?

Michelle: No, it's a promise.

(Vin pushes Michelle to a room and close the door.)

Vin: Do not come out.

Michelle: Whatever!

(Vin walks away and grab Patricia by the arm and drags her to the door throwing her out.)

Patricia: Vin please, I need to see them.

Vin: To bad, now leave before I press charges for trespassing.

(Vin slams the door in her face and walks off. He goes into the kitchen and sees Michelle trying to tend to the scratches.)

Michelle: I hate fighting females.

Vin: She got you good. How is that cut? Let me see it?

Michelle: Nothing I can't handle.

Vin: It looks deep.

Michelle: It's fine.

Vin: Come on let's go clean this up after I check on the kids.

Michelle: I'll meet you in the bathroom. Don't want the kids to see me like this.

Vin: Five minutes.

(As Vin head upstairs, Michelle goes to the bathroom in the guest bedroom. She slowly peels off her shirt to look at the damage. Blood is still oozing a bit but not too much. She hears a knock on the door before Vin peeks his head in.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now