Chapter 20

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(It seem like minutes passed before they faces was moving closer. Vin brings his hand up and cup her face as her lips part. Their lips are barely inches apart when she rise up and connect their lips. Michelle breath hitched as they lips do the tango and then tongues was added. They don't know how long the kiss lasted but Michelle finally pulls away and take a few steps back.)

Michelle: (panting) I'm sorry!

Vin: (lick his lips) It was my fault.

Michelle: Yeah, but I kissed you first.

Vin: Look, I know we agreed to be friends but I still feel like it's something between us. Being here with you has been the happiest I've been in a long time.

Michelle: We've clicked from that first day we met. We are comfortable with one another and I can tell you pretty much anything and not feel judged. But Vin, whatever this is between us, is simply just two people who is obviously sex deprived.

Vin: (laughs) I'm not sex deprived.

Michelle: Right, forgot you have a girlfriend.

Vin: She's not my girlfriend.

Michelle: Yet! Look let's just forget this ever happened, I think I'm going to go and take a wash off and then head to bed.

Vin: Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You can pick which side you want and I promise to be a gentleman.

Michelle: (smirks) Your always a gentleman Vin.

(She then turns and walk towards the back of the jet. She gets some of her things and head into the bathroom to wash off and change into some comfortable clothes. After she was done she laid down in the bed and tried to get comfortable. An hour later Vin comes in and close the door after he washed up, and got in beside her.)

Vin: Goodnight!

Michelle: Goodnight!

(Vin turns away from her and closes his eyes to fall asleep. Michelle turns and tries to sleep but couldn't shut her mind off. She ended up looking up at the ceiling daydreaming. She blinks and then turn to watch Vins back and her mind goes back to the kiss. Michelle bite her bottom lip and all of those feelings starts to come back. Frustrated, she gets up and makes her was into the bathroom to splash water on her face. She looks up in the mirror and notices how flushed she looks. That tingling feeling starts at the bottom of her stomach.)

Michelle: (groans) Fuck!

(In the bedroom Vin rolls over and listen to see if he could hear anything from the bathroom. After a few more minutes he hears a thump and a cuss from Michelle. Concerned he gets up to go check to see if she was ok. As he got closer he heard what sounded like hiss and if he stopped breathing a small moan. He becomes very concerned and steps to the door and knocks.)

Vin: Michelle?

Michelle: (gasp) What?

Vin: Your ok in there?

Michelle: (voice quiver) Yesss Yes!

Vin: Why you sound like that?

Michelle: Go away Vin!

(Ignoring her he opens the door and sees her flushed and panting.)

Michelle: (jumps) Fuck Vin, there's a thing called privacy.

Vin: What's going on?

Michelle: Nothing, now get out.

Vin: Why are you breathing hard?

Michelle: You scared the fuck out of me.

(He looks down and sees her panties on the floor and looks back up at her.)

Vin: (smirks) Someone seem frustrated?

Michelle: I'm not, just leave please.

Vin: Let me help you?

Michelle: (makes a face) No, we are not doing this.

(He moves closer to her as he lock eyes with her. Her eyes are dark and filled with lust and hunger from sexual tension. Her breath hitch when he moves and presses her against the counter.)

Vin: (looks down) How about we both stop this damn game and put us both out of our misery.

Michelle: (close her eyes) We can't do this Vin.

Vin: (breath on her neck) Why not? We don't have to make it a thing, just two attractive people who need to lease some tension. I know we agreed to never do this again, but we can't deny what we have Michelle.

(She looks up at him and had to bite her lip to stop a moan by the way he was looking at her. She looked down to think about it for a moment before she looks back up again.)

Michelle: Just this once?

Vin: And we can go back to how things was for the next couple years.

(She thinks for a moment before she looks up and with a small nod gives Vin permission. Without missing a beat he grabs her up and pulls her tight against him. Michelle moans into the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck. His hands roam her body until they land on her ass and he grabs it. He lifts her up and move them out of the bathroom until he reaches the bed.)

Michelle: I've never done it on a jet before.

Vin: (smirks) Me neither, let's not waste anymore time here.

(Vin strips Michelle of her clothes and removes his boxers and wife beater. Michelle moves back towards the headboard as he crawls on the bed. She smiles at him while he runs his hands up her legs before he grab her ankles. He pulls and she fall back onto the mattress as she giggle.)

Michelle: Don't hold back.

Vin: (smirk) Oh I don't plan too.

(He leans over her and rest his body between her legs as she kisses him. They lay there entangled in each others arms as they share a passionate kiss. Michelle runs her hands up his side and pulls his flush against her.)

Michelle: We're just getting it out of our systems right?

Vin: No strings.

Michelle: No strings.

(As the jet flew across the sky, Michelle and Vin enjoyed one another and connected on a whole different level. Afterwards, Vin pulls Michelle into him and they both fall into a peaceful sleep.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now