Chapter 18

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(Vin and Michelle was in deep conversation when they food arrives. Michelle eyes got big when she seen what Vin had.)

Vin: What?

Michelle: That looks good.

Vin: Oh trust it is.

Michelle: Can I taste it?

Vin: You have your own food Michelle.

Michelle: I know but your food always end up tasting better.

(She picks up her folk and dig into his food as she gives him a look.)

Vin: I can never eat my food when I'm with you. Now can I have some of yours?

Michelle: Sure, and let me know how it taste.

(He gets some of her food and nods his head.)

Vin: Oh that's good.

Michelle: Yours too! So tell me, how you knew I had court today and how come you didn't call me?

Vin: I have my ways.

Michelle: Well thank you for being here, I really needed it. I've been sober for three months now and let me tell you it sucks.

Vin: What made you turn to drinking?

Michelle: So much shit man. Not having my family here close to me is one, and feeling like I don't belong. I've been struggling with who I am my whole life and I think now it's really taking a toll on me.

(Vin reaches across the table and take her hands in his.)

Vin: You know I'm here for you, I'm just one call away. I would drop what I'm doing and I will make sure you're ok.

Michelle: I'm a big girl Vin. I've made a lot of stupid decisions and I have to take accountability for them.

Vin: Well that's a start, it means you want to be a better person. You ever thought about going to therapy or..

Michelle: I've been looking into some doctors. I've just been busy and it seems I never have time for myself.

Vin: Well now you can.

Michelle: Yeah, it's probably going to be a long time before I get more work.

Vin: Nahhhhh, you're a great actress and try not to give up so fast hmm.

(Michelle knocks his shoulder before she smiles.)

Michelle: I really appreciate you coming and making me feel a little better.

Vin: (kiss her forehead) Hey anytime kid.

(Three years has passed since that night and everything was going great. Bin has been working and producing his own movies. Michelle has been working and trying to stay out of any kind of trouble. She was at home after being gone for six months, just relaxing on the sofa when her phone rang.)

Michelle: Hi stranger.

Vin: Hey.

Michelle: So what is the pleasure of this call?

Vin: What I need a reason to call my best friend?

Michelle: No, but I know you.

Vin: (laughs) Too well I'm afraid.

Michelle: (smiles) So what's up?

Vin: Well I talked to Paul the other day and we talked about making another Fast movie.

Michelle: Ok, so what did you guys come up with?

Vin: We want to bring everyone back together.

Michelle: So when????

Vin: Paul and I are meeting with This new guy Justin Lin to discuss it. But I was thinking that maybe you and I can do a small film that will be the introduction of the forth film.

Michelle: A small film and what will it be about?

Vin: I was thinking of giving our fans a peak at Dom and Letty when it's just them together. I feel like we didn't have enough time to explore that, and I think it will be good for the people to see.

Michelle: (thinking) Ok, just let me know when and where.

Vin: I've actually wrote it already, just wanted to get confirmation from you first.

Michelle: Well I'm down. How much in it is for me?

Vin: (chuckle) Whatever you want Michelle.

Michelle: Mmm, ok I'll do it.

Vin: Great, I was hoping you would say that. I got us set and ready to go tomorrow night.

Michelle: What? Vin I have so much stuff I have to get done before than.

Vin: That's why I called you early today so you can get packed and ready. I will pick you up around eight tomorrow night so we can fly out on my private jet.

Michelle: You have a private jet?

Vin: Yes, you know how I am about personal space.

Michelle: (laughs) Your a mess man. You better be lucky I love you bro or I would have declined.

Vin: Ahhh you know you can resist all this seeing me again.

Michelle: Whatever, I guess I will get up and get packed so you can drag me off to wherever you're taking me.

Vin: Think of it as a vacation. Oh, don't worry about where you're staying, I got it covered.

Michelle: (roll her eyes) Does it come with a couple cute guys? I'm telling you it's been a dry spell for me for the last year.

Vin: Oh damn!

Michelle: Tell me about it, but it's really not that bad. It has given me time to really focus on me and what I want.

Vin: That's great, I'm glad you shared that with me.

(She bust out laughing.)

Michelle: Hey I thought best friends suppose to share everything.

Vin: Not everything, especially your love life.

Michelle: So tell me Vinny, is there someone special in your life?

Vin: Not that I'm looking but I've met this woman and she's nice.

Michelle: Nice, that's it? Have you at least talked to her and got her name

Vin: Yes, but we are just friends and she kind of keeps me grounded at times.

Michelle: Mmm she sounds like a keeper.

Vin: I'm not marrying her tomorrow.

Michelle: (falls off the sofa) Ow fuck.

Vin: What happened? Are you ok?

Michelle: I fell off the sofa.

Vin: (makes a face) You haven't been drinking have you?

Michelle: No I'm sober, haven't had a drink in two years.

Vin: Well I'm not going to hold you much longer, you need to pack.

Michelle: Alright, see you tomorrow.

Vin: Bye!

(They both hang up and she lay there for a while as she think of their conversation. Vin is maybe seeing someone and to be honest she don't know how to feel about it. She slowly gets up and immediately start to get things together.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now