Chapter 13

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(A few months passed by as Michelle worked out her relationship with Jason and getting him help. Her best friend Hanna was in town and they was getting ready for the premiere for her new movie resident evil. She was in a hotel putting on her outfit for the event when her friend walks in.)

Hanna: Michy.

Michelle: What?

Hanna: Your wearing a skirt?

Michelle: Yeah so.

Hanna: Nothing, just wasn't expecting that.

Michelle: I'm still a woman Hanna. Why does it surprises you that I would wear a dress every now and again.

Hanna: It's just been a long time since I seen you in a skirt is all. I think you look good actually and should do it more often. Maybe you will be able to catch a man once he sees those sexy legs.

Michelle: I have a man and trying to get rid of his ass.

Hanna: Oh please, for some reason your just holding on to him because you want to help his ass.

Michelle: He's actually doing better.

Hanna: (roll her eyes) Ok enough about your boy toy, what time we leaving for the premiere?

Michelle: In the next 20 minutes.

Hanna: Ok, I'm so excited I've never been to a premiere before.

Michelle: Trust me, they definitely hypes it up.

(Hanna leaves out so Michelle could finish getting dressed. It took them an hour to get to the event because of traffic and Michelle was over it. She stayed for a little while to sign a few autographs and take pictures. She was just about to walk out of the door when she spots Vin, and she freezes. By her stopping so abruptly, it caused Hanna to run right into her.)

Hanna: Damn girl why did you stop?

Michelle: (blinks) Umm just thought I saw someone is all.

Hanna: Well come on, I have a date and I can't be late.

Michelle: Please tell me it's not Ryan?

Hanna: So what if it is.

Michelle: (shake her head) And you say I need to dump Jason.

Hanna: Jason is a junkie who's trying to be something he's not.

Michelle: Well I guess Ryan is the prefect guy. I'll remember that when you call me crying from his cheating ways.

Hanna: Whatever we're both delusional and besides he's cute.

(They was so heavy in their conversation that Michelle didn't notice Vin walk up to her. She didn't turn until she felt his hand on her lower back causing her to turn.)

Vin: Hey!

Michelle: Hi!

Vin: Its been a while.

Michelle: It has, how have you been?

Vin: It's been good and you?

Michelle: Working just trying to make it man.

Hanna: Umm hello!

Vin: (looks at her) Hi!

Hanna: I'm Hanna, Michelle's best friend.

Vin: I'm....

Hanna: Vin Diesel, and one of Michelle's cast mates.

Vin: Yep, that would be me.

(They stand there for a minute before Michelle speaks.)

Michelle: So umm we was just leaving.

Vin: Your not staying for the after party?

Michelle: (shakes head) Nahhh, I'm tired and just want to get home.

Hanna: Your just trying to get home to Jason. It's still early and this is your event, whatever Jason wanted can wait.

Michelle: This has nothing to do with him.

(Vin watches them before he interrupts.)

Vin: Look Michelle I just wanted to come see you and say hi, I'll see you later.

Michelle: Ok, it's been good seeing you.

(He gives her a hug before he leaves, and goes to some woman who was waiting for him. She watches for a second before she head out with Hanna behind her.)

Hanna: Michy how could you let that fine piece of a man get away?

Michelle: Who says I did.

Hanna: Well it's been a year so....

Michelle: No Hanna, you can not date him,  besides aren't you in a relationship?

Hanna: Hey who said that Ryan has to know.

Michelle: Your a mess, let's get out of here.

(Over the next couple weeks, things for Michelle seem to have hit rock bottom after helping Jason. Jason was back to his old ways and Michelle was over him and the drama. Jason has only gotten worse, and every time she puts him out it ends in a fight. One day she was on her way back home early from working, and had just walked inside. She puts her bags down and was about to call Jason's name when she heard it.)

Michelle: What the fuck.

(She hears moans and groans coming from upstairs and walks towards it. As she gets to the top, she can clearly hear Jason voice and a woman. As she listens closely the woman's voice becomes clear and Michelle balls her fists. She walks towards her bedroom and pushes open the door seeing them.)

Michelle: What the fuck is going on here?

(The couple jumps.)

Jason: Michelle.

Michelle: Don't Michelle me.

Hanna: Michelle I can explain.

Michelle: Explain what?

Jason: Baby she came on to me.

(Michelle walks closer to them.)

Hanna: We was going to tell you.

Michelle: What the fuck does that mean Hanna? You are suppose to be my best friend, and here I walk in on you fucking my boyfriend.

(Jason pushes Hanna off him and grab his pants to put on as Hanna gets her clothes.)

Jason: Babe she's lying.

Hanna: Tell her Jason. Tell her how long this has been going on since I'm lying.

Michelle: Get out!

Jason: Michelle...

Michelle: Get the fuck out before I punch you in the face. And you Hanna, I can't believe you would do this to me. I trusted you, you were my best friend and this is how you do me.

Hanna: Oh please, you never wanted him anyway.  Hell if you look at it, I'm doing you a huge favor so I think you should be thanking me.

(Instead of saying anything else, Michelle moves fast and punches her in the face. Hanna yelps as she stumbles and fall holding her nose. Jason tries to hold her back but she hits him and kicks him in the nuts.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now