Chapter 33

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(Michelle is sitting on the counter with her shirt off when Vin opens the door.)

Vin: Woah!

Michelle: (chuckle) It's nothing you've never seen before.

Vin: Yeah, but it's been a long time and I must say some things have changed.

Michelle: Whatever man, did you bring the first aid kit?

Vin: Yeah, have everything I need.

(He closes the door and locks it before turning back to Michelle. His eyes is on her breasts before he brings them up and look at her. She just smirks before she grabs the kit and open it.)

Michelle: Do you know what you're doing?

Vin: I do have three kids Michelle.

Michelle: Just checking.

(He takes some gauze and dabs at the cut to stop the bleeding. He then gets some alcohol and opens it before he pours it on the cut.)

Vin: This going to hurt.

Michelle: No shit, can you get it over with already.

(He tilts it and Michelle helps before covering her mouth. Vin moves closer to blow on it to help with the sting. As he moves back he sees Michelle watching him with a smirk on her face.)

Vin: What?

Michelle: Nothing, you're just being so gentle.

Vin: What you want me to do, ruff you up.

(Silence passes before Michelle speaks.)

Michelle: So what are you going to do with Patricia?

Vin: If she pulls that again I'm going to have to get the police involved. I don't trust her around my kids, and what she did tonight.

Michelle: Well she had that ass whooping coming.

Vin: I think she has lost her mind.

(They both bust out laughing before Vin applies a bandage and extra tape. Once he was done Michelle hops down and turns to get her shirt. She pulls it over her head as she looks up to see him staring again.)

Michelle: What, do I have something on my face or something? And don't act like I didn't catch you staring at my breasts.

Vin: (smirks) I was not, not staring at your breasts. I mean you had them on full display Michelle and plus I'm a man.

Michelle: Yeah whatever! So how about I clean this up and I'm going to head home.

Vin: Why don't you stay tonight? It's late and...

Michelle: I can't, I would love to but I can't.

Vin: Why you have someone waiting for you back home?

Michelle: (arch an eyebrow) Wouldn't you like to know. I just came by to put Bells down and now I must be on my way.

Vin: What's his name?

Michelle: Why so you can scare him off? Nope I'm not giving you his name Vin.

Vin: I'm just looking out for you is all.

Michelle: I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.

(She moves passed him to go grab her things before she heads for the door.)

Vin: At least call me when you make it home.

Michelle: Yes dad.

Vin: I'm serious.

Michelle: (rolls eyes) Fine!

(She turns and kiss his cheek before she walks to her car and leave. Vin watches until her car disappears and close the door. He turns and sees his mother standing there with her hand on her hip.)

Vin: What ma?

Sarah: Don't what ma me. You need to get control of your little situation before it blows up in your face.

Vin: Sorry, and yes mother?

Sarah: She already left her children and almost killed Bella.

Vin: Im going to handle it ma.

(She gives him a firm look.)

Sarah: When are you going to take your head out of your behind and see what's in front of you.

Vin: Why I see you here.

(She shakes her head and smacks him.)

Sarah: That's not what I mean.

Vin: That hurt.

Sarah: Good, maybe it will knock some sense into you.

Vin: Am i missing something here?

Sarah: You need to tell Michelle you're in love with her.

Vin: What?

Sarah: My god! You both are stubborn.

Vin: What makes you think I'm in love with Michelle?

Sarah: I see the way you two are together. They way you look at each other and the love you have for one another. You need to tell her how you feel before it's too late and you both going to regret it.

Vin: Mom she's seeing somebody and besides we're are just best friends.

Sarah: So, even Stevie Wonder can see it. You both deserve to be happy and you know how much I love Michelle like my own. Listen to me when I tell you this son, you need to follow your heart. There was always something special between the two of you and you can't deny it.

(Vin hugs his mother.)

Vin: Thanks ma, I really appreciate your advice. Maybe one day things will change but right now my focus is my kids.

Sarah: OK, and you are welcome. Now why don't you go on up and get some sleep, I'll lock up.

Vin: Alright.

(She misses his head before he heads upstairs to shower and hopefully find sleep. His cell beeped and it was a message from Michelle saying she was home. He smiles and thinks about what his mother said and sighs. He sends her a text back and wishes her a good night.)

(It has been a year since the Bella incident and things between Vin and Michelle have begun having some conflicting issues. Miguel was still in the picture which none of her friends and family approve of. Michelle's boyfriend is a total asshole and can be very condescending. Vin hates him and wants to break his face but doesn't say anything. Michelle was by Vin's house for the family BBQ, and to spend time with her goddaughters. She and Vin were by the grill talking as the kids played in the pool.)

Vin: Just so you know I don't like your boyfriend.

Michelle: Oh god not this again.

Vin: He is arrogant and obnoxious. I've seen the way he talks to you and I'm surprised he's still standing.

Michelle: He has just been stressed lately and tired from working twelve-hour shifts.

Vin: Doesnt give him the right to talk to you like tha. The Michelle I know wouldn't tolerate that shit and would have been busy his ass.

Michelle: Yeah well, I can't always want to fight Vin. I'm trying to grow and this is the longest I've been in a relationship with anyone. Besides I'm getting older and I want to have a family one day.

Vin: So he's your only option?

Michelle: Maybe, but I think I still have some time.

Vin: Well I hope you find what you're looking for.

(He walks off to go tend to his kids and watch them play. Michelle shakes her head before she goes to find her a drink. By eight that evening, she was heading home to an empty house while Brad was away.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now