Chapter 40

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(A few weeks went by and between Vin working and Michelle working on wedding plans they barely see one another. Her friend Sid was coming over to help her pick flowers and stuff for the small intimate gathering. She was just coming out of the bathroom when her doorbell rung.)

Michelle: I'm coming.

Sid: Damn girl, hurry up I have to pee.

Michelle: You should have peed before you left your house.

(She opens the door smiling as her friend bounce up and down.)

Sid: Move, move ahhhhh.

Michelle: Your worse than Bella when she had to go.

Sid: Shut up.

(She closes the door and makes her way to the kitchen. She grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and sit on a stool. As she tries to calm her nerves she hears Sid.)

Michelle: Can you not go snooping through my things.

Sid: What you have the best clothes. Can I borrow this crop top for this weekend?

Michelle: (makes a face) I don't care.

Sid: (give her a look) What's wrong with you?

Michelle: Nothing, just didn't get much sleep last night.

Sid: Ouuu did your man keep you up all night?

Michelle: No, he's been gone for two weeks, he's suppose to be home tomorrow.

Sid: Mmm, so let's talk wedding.

Michelle: Why are you so hyper?

Sid: Your getting married Chelle, that in itself is enough to have anybody excited. For a minute there I thought you were gay or something.

Michelle: Very funny. Just because I slept with a female doesn't mean I'm gay. It just happened and I was going through a rough time but I've always loved a strong manly man.

Sid: Yeah whatever.

Michelle: Anyway, I ordered us some Thai while my maid of honor helps me with this wedding.

Sid: Thai, wait did you just say maid of honor?

Michelle: I did.

Sid: Your not pulling my leg are you?

Michelle: You want it or not.

Sid: Of fucking course I want it, oh my god this is going to be amazing.

Michelle: Good, now you need to take off June 22 because we are going to Cuba to get married.

(Sid jumps up and hugs Michelle before running around the island. After she calms down Michelle pulls out her laptop to look for flowers and things. An hour later the food arrives while Michelle was in the bathroom. She had just walked up to the counter when Sid pulls out the food and the smell hits Michelle's nose.)

Sid: Food is here and it smells so good.

Michelle: (gags) Oh god!

(Hand on her mouth she turns and runs back to the bathroom before she vomits. She drop down to her knees and dry heaves as what's left in her stomach comes out. She feels Sid behind her holding her hair back and rubbing her back.)

Sid : Damn Michelle, what you're sick or something.

Michelle: No, it was the food.

Sid: The food, but you eat Thai all the time.

(Michelle wipes her mouth and pulls herself up to go rinse out her mouth. As she looks in the mirror she can see the bags under her eyes and her face as pale as a ghost.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now