Chapter 34

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(It was Michelle's 35th birthday and she decided to have it at a beach house in Miami. She had all her close and dearest friends and one of her brothers there. She was having the time of her life dancing and just loving life. She was sitting next to her brother and one of her friends.)

Michelle: So Omar, how is fatherhood going?

Omar: It's great when you're able to finally get at least six hours of sleep.

Michelle: (laughs) Damn man it's that bad?

Omar: It can be a bit much but I wouldn't change it for the world. What about you? When will you settle down and have some little Mayte running around?

Michelle: (makes a face) I'm not rushing it. I'm loving my life right now and I have a good relationship at the moment. I don't want to jinx anything good going right now.

Omar: Selena is going to need a cousin to play with when you come to The DR.

Michelle: (laughs) Ahh ahh, I don't think I'm there yet O. You know Raul called me and told me the same thing.

Omar: You're not getting any younger sis and you know if Gammi was here you would have at least three by now.

Michelle: Oh man I can hear her now. Mayte be fruitful that is why god made us. I don't think I ever got over him she explained the  "SEX" talk to me.

Omar: She never sugar-coated anything.

Michelle: Never, but I miss her so much. Papa and Mami too, to see their faces now that we're grown and figuring shit out.

Omar: I wish Raul and I were closer to you. You're out here all by yourself and we can't protect you being miles away.

Michelle: I'm ok Omar really? I have great friends who look out for me and some have become more like family.

Omar: Let me guess Vin?

Michelle: (rolls her eyes) Please don't start.

Omar: What the guy is literally watching your every move. And don't get me started on that asshile of a boyfriend of yours.

Michelle: It's my birthday can we just enjoy each other's company and have fun, please?

Omar: Fine, I'm going to need another drink before my stalker comes back.

Michelle: You do that. I'm going to go mingle and maybe dance at a table.

(She kisses his cheek before she moves through the crowd and finds her boyfriend. He is standing off to the side nursing a drink as he watches her come towards him.)

Miguel: Hey babe, you finished mingling with everyone but me?

Michelle: What you're jealous?

Miguel: Very, I was thinking maybe we could duck off and go....

(He grinds against her and kisses her neck.)

Michelle: Mmm as much as I would love to, we can't. This is my party and I want to have fun and get torn up. I don't want to remember the embarrassing things I might do tonight.

Miguel: So you would rather please all these random people than please your man?

Michelle: You're crazy and clearly you're drunk off your ass. Maybe you should lay off the drinks for the rest of the night.

Miguel: (moves closer) I'm serious! I see you smiling in all these men's faces, flirting and shit but I'm your boyfriend.

(Michelle pulls back some to give him a look like he has lost his mind.)

Michelle: What is your problem they aren't random people and I'm not flirting with anyone. You know what, I'm going to go get a drink and I hope once I'm done you will be in a better mood.

Miguel: I'm not going to tolerate the disrespect.

(She goes to walk away but she grabs Her arm.)

Miguel: Michelle don't walk away from me.

Michelle: I suggest you let go of my arm before I crush your balls.

(Not wanting to cause a scene he lets her go as he watches her walk towards the open bar. For the rest of the night, he stood in a corner as she laughed, and danced. Before it was time to close out the night, everyone gathered to sing Happy Birthday. Miguel looks on as Vin keeps his arm around her as she wraps her arms around his waist.)

Michelle: (drunk) Hey I just want to thank everyone for coming and celebrating with me. I can't believe I'm 35 and have made it this far. I can say life has been a long rough road but I wouldn't change it. I've grown in so many ways I have learned who I am and have grown to love the person I am today.

Omar: You are incredible and the best baby sister I could ever ask for.

Michelle: (smiles) I'm your only sister O.

Omar: (chuckle) Right!

(Everyone laughs.)

(Vin pulls her closer to him as he rubs his hand up and down her arm. He bends and places a sweet kiss to her head as she grins. Miguel has a scowl on his face as he watches them unnoticed.)

Vin: Michelle, you already know how I feel about you. You are my best friend, my rock, a pain in my ass even when I know your right, and one of the most important people in my universe.

Everyone: Awwwwww.

Michelle: (hugs him) Thanks Vin, that really means a lot coming from you.

Miguel: OK my turn.

(Everyone just looks at him.)

Michelle: Babe?

Miguel: I want to say something to my girl. Michelle, I just want to say how proud I am of you for who you have become. You make my life better every day and I wouldn't know where I would be if it wasn't for you. I love you so much and I hope that we can continue on this wonderful journey together.

Michelle: (blushing) Thank you, Miguel.

(She walks up to him and he pulls her into him as he grabs her face to kiss her deeply. She tries to pull away feeling a bit awkward with the intimate display in front of everyone. With one final kiss he pulls back but doesn't let her go as she gives him a look.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now