Chapter 8

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(After many of rounds and a shower, Michelle was wrapped up in Vins arms. He was spooning her as his hand rests on her hip.)

Michelle: So what we going to do about work?

Vin: I think we can pull it off until this is over.

Michelle: Are we dating or just kicking it?

Vin: I would like to date, if your ok with it.

Michelle: I don't see nothing wrong with it.

Vin: We have great chemistry and I'm comfortable with you.

Michelle: (kiss his arm) Well I would hope so with the things we have done.

Vin: (laughs) It's going to be hard to see you on set and can't have you.

Michelle: You will be ok!

Vin: My main concern is the age difference.

Michelle: Vin your ten years older than me, it's no big deal. Like you said, we have crazy chemistry and we just click.

Vin: So dating an older man is no issue for you?

Michelle: Hell no! I think I can learn a lot from you and who knows where this will end up.

Vin: (smirks) Ok cool, I'm down with that.

(They talk some more before Michelle finally falls to sleep with Vin wrapped around her. Over the next six months, they had managed to keep their relationship a secret. It was Michelle birthday and she hasn't really planned anything so she wasn't expecting anything.)

Jordana: Happy Birthday Michelle.

Michelle: Thanks Jordana.

Jordana: So Michelle what are you doing for your birthday?

Michelle: I haven't planned anything. I might just have me a nice dinner and go to bed, I'm exhausted.

Jordana: We have two more months and then we are done.

Michelle: I think I might go to the DR for a few days. I miss my brothers and it's just something about the people there.

Jordana: So what's going on with you and Vin?

(Michelle snaps her head so fast to Jordana she almost gave herself whiplash.)

Michelle: (makes a face) What do you mean?

Jordana: Oh come on Michelle. Paul and I have been seeing the looks you two have been giving each other.

Michelle: We're just good friends Jordana.

Jordana: Ok, whatever you say.

(Just then Paul walks up and kiss them both on the forehead.)

Paul: Happy Birthday Michelle. What's up ladies.

Michelle: Thanks man, and nothing much Paul.

Jordana: Michelle is denying that there is nothing between her and Vin.

Paul: Hmmm.

Michelle: What's that face for?

Paul: Michelle just confess we seen you guys.

(As Michelle tries to defend herself they spot Vin and calls him over.)

Michelle: Oh god!

Jordana: She's blushing.

Michelle: Oh hush you.

Vin: Hey guys Happy Birthday Michy what's this a meeting I don't know nothing about?

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now