Chapter 36

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(As Vin cleans off her face, she tries to hold her breath because of the silence. She watches as he takes his time as his eyes move to inspect for any more injuries.)

Vin: Breath Michelle.

Michelle: I am breathing, it's too quiet.

Vin: (looks at her) You know, what he said about you being ugly and unloveable.

Michelle: (looks away) Can you hurry, I need to go shower.

Vin: It's a lie.

Michelle: You're just saying that because you're my best friend. It's ok, I've heard it my whole life, and maybe he's right. I can be a bit manly sometimes, maybe that's why my relationships don't last.

Vin: Michelle stop.

Michelle: (eyes tear up) Maybe I am meant to be alone. I'm not as soft or as feminine as most females. Maybe I've been going my whole life....

(She is suddenly cut off by Vin as he grabs her by the face and kisses her. She is frozen for a second before she participates and kisses him back. He nudges her lip with his tongue to grant him access and she opens her mouth. She moans once she feels his tongue slowly dance with her own and deepens the kiss. The need for oxygen wins as he pulls away causing her to groan in protest.)

Vin: You're the total opposite of all those stupid things you just said. You are very lovable and beautiful and I'm sorry damn lucky to have you in my life.

Michelle: (still in a daze) You're trying to make me feel better...

Vin: Yeah but not at this moment. I'm very serious, I wouldn't be who I am today without you by my side. I didn't kiss you just now to shut you up, well I did but I wanted to kiss you. I've been wanting to kiss you for some time now just was too chicken shit to do it.

Michelle: (smiles) Oh yeah?

Vin: Yeah.

Michelle: Well, in that case, I think you should kiss me again. I kind of maybe missed that first one, and kind of blacked out.

(Without having to be told twice he pulls her against him and kisses her with all the love and passion he's feeling. Michelle wraps her arms around his neck and deepens it as she tries to move closer. She moans into his mouth as she strokes her tongue against the root of his mouth.)

Vin: God you taste so good.

Michelle: I had some icing before you came back in.

Vin: (groans) Mmm so good.

Michelle: (panting) I think we should move this to the bedroom. I really won't want my brother walking in on us like this.

Vin: (lifts her) Just tell me which door.

(She tells him as she places kisses on his neck and nibbles his ear. His hand is on her ass squeezing it as he tries not to bust right then and there. Once inside her room, he kicks the door locking it. He walks to her bed and slowly drops her on it as she gives him a very seductive look.)

Michelle: Come here. Your are too far away.

Vin: Take off your clothes.

Michelle: Not yet, I want to taste you first.

Vin: God you going to kill me.

(Vin almost lost it before she brought her hands up and started unbuckling his belt. He pulls his shirt over his head before reaching for hers. The sexual tension is so high they can barely control the urge to just strip naked and fuck until they both are oblivious.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now