Chapter 15

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(As Vin wakes up confused for a minute til he realizes where he's at. The next thing he hears is Michelle's voices followed by a deep make voice.)

Michelle: Get the fuck out of my house.

Jason: Baby just let me make it up to you?

Michelle: No, I don't want you or anything you have to offer.

(Michelle was trying to get passed him but he would block her from leaving her room.)

Jason: Michelle she didn't mean anything. I was drunk and high and it just happened baby I swear.

Michelle: (pushes him) I don't care, get the little things you have and leave.

Jason: (gets frustrated) Make me!

(She shakes her head and goes to move passed him when he pushes her a little to hard. Michelle tries to catch herself but trips over her feet and falls. Her face connected with her dresser and clipped her chin.)

Michelle: (groans) Ahhhhh!

Jason: Oh shit.

(Before he could move her bedroom door bust open and Vin walks in. He sees Michelle on the floor holding her face and groaning in pain. Without hesitation he grabs Jason and punches him in the face letting him drop.)

Jason: (groan) The hell man?

Vin: (growls) What da fuck did you do?

Jason: (shields his face) It was an accident man.

Vin: Get the fuck out and don't come back.

Jason: Michelle?

Vin: Get out!

(Jason hurry and gets up making his way down the stairs and out the door. Vin turns and makes his way towards michelle and squat down.)

Michelle: Please just go away.

Vin: (touch her back) I'm not leaving. Come on let me help you up.

(Instead of saying anything she let him help her up, turning her around. She has a hand over her mouth as blood seeps through her fingers.)

Michelle: Son of a bitch.

Vin: Who the hell was that and what's going on?

(She gives him a look before she moves away from him and into her bathroom. She looks in the mirror seeing the blood and gash under her bottom lip. She also notice a huge mark on the left side of her face.)

Michelle: Dammit!

Vin: Let me see.

Michelle: It's not as bad as it looks.

Vin: Who was that punk?

Michelle: My now ex.

(He moves close to her taking her face in his hands as he looks at her. He slowly moves his hand to her chin examining the gash.)

Vin: (makes a face) Your going to need stitches.

Michelle: It's fine.

Vin: It will leave a scar, it's pretty deep.

Michelle: Your not going to shut up until I go are you?

Vin: Damn right, now get dressed I'll be downstairs.

Michelle: Whatever!

(He leaves her and let her get dressed and in ten minutes they are headed out the door. They was at the hospital for two hours and she was sent home with some pain medication. On the drive back to her place was silent while she looked out the window.)

Vin: So has he put his hands on your before?

Michelle: Hell no, it was really an accident.

Vin: Michelle you hit your face on your dresser, clearly he was anger about something.

Michelle: I really don't want to talk about it ok.

Vin: (looks at her) That's going to be ugly tomorrow.

Michelle: Yeah well thank god I'm on vacation.

(Vin leaves it alone as they pull up to her place. Michelle gets out and hurry to open the door and goes to her room. Vin was getting comfortable on her sofa when she came back down in some sweats and tank top. She sits down next to him and watches him while his head is back and eyes closed.)

Vin: Stop checking me out.

Michelle: How long are you here for?

Vin: How ever long you want me. I have to leave out in a week to finish up a movie and then hopefully I can take a vacation.

Michelle: Why now? I haven't seen it spoke to you in a year, are you still mad about what happened?

Vin: I was kind of hurt but I've prayed and I'm ok. So you going to tell me why you got arrested and fighting with that guy?

Michelle: I caught him and my best friend Hanna in bed together at his place. So we argued and things was said and I shut them up.

Vin: Oh Michy I'm sorry to hear that.

Michelle: It hurt but I'm ok with it. I was going to break up with him a few weeks ago anyway. He is just into things I wasn't ok with and I don't need that right now. Hanna pressed charges that's why I was arrested and spent hours in holding. She goes behind my back, and sleeps with my now ex and I get arrested. I just want all of this to be over so I can focus on my life man.

(Vin sees the sadness in her eyes and pulls her to him hugging her. She wraps her arms around him and bury her face into his chest taking in his scent.)

Vin: I've missed you!

Michelle: Me too! We promised to always stay in touch and it seem we both suck at that.

Vin: (chuckle) I'm hungry what you want to eat?

Michelle: Whatever you want is fine with me.

Vin: How's your face?

Michelle: I'm high off pain meds man ask me in a few hours.

Vin: You should put some ice on the swelling.

Michelle: I'm to tired to move.

(He pats her leg and gets up to go make her an ice pack. He comes back and sees her laying down in his spot and tap her feet.)

Vin: Here!

Michelle: Thanks.

Vin: Let's see what's on huh?

Michelle: Hmmmm.

(They sit there and watch some movie until he feels her shift against him. After ten minutes he looks down and sees her eyes close. Being careful he slowly moves and let her fall half on him and holds her.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now