Chapter 2

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(Gary looks up at the young Latina and sees a scowl on her face.)

Gary: Michelle, what can I do for you?

Michelle: I need you to rewrite my character.

Gary: What why?

Michelle: Because I don't want to look like a slut on screen.

Gary: It's just a movie.

Michelle: Yeah and I'm the actress, and I'm not happy with how my character is portrayed. So you either rewrite it or I'm quitting, make your choice.

Gary: Ok, give me an idea.

Michelle: Ok, I think she should stick with Vin's character. I'm from the hood, no girl every goes for the cute guy. When she has a macho man who can easily beat up the cute guy, it's not a good look. Besides I think it's just wrong, Letty and Brian doesn't even go together.

Gary: Alright, let me think about it and I'll get back to you.

Michelle: Deal!

(Michelle closes the door before she smiles and heads back to the cast. As she gets closer she sees two new people to join them.)

Jordana: What happened?

Michelle: I told him to change it or I'm quitting.

Vin: That's not going to happen. He's going to change it or he will have to deal with me.

Michelle: Uhh huh! So who are the new guys?

Paul: They are to play Vince, Leon, and Jesse.

Michelle: Hi I'm Michelle nice to meet you.

(After everyone meets the cast they decided to go out to get something to eat after work. They went to a burger joint up the road and got an outside table. As they order some girls comes up to their table.)

Girl: Oh my god it's the lady from Girlfight! Can we get a photo please?

Michelle: Umm sure, let me stand up.

Girl 2: This so awesome.

(Michelle takes the pictures with them and they leave.)

Vin: It seems someone is famous.

Michelle: Nah man, not as famous as you.

Paul: So what made you guys want to become actors?

Vin: Coming from where I'm from, it was my only option. Plus I want to write and direct a few movies.

Michelle: Yeah, I knew if I didn't get out of the hood no telling where I would be. And I knew I didn't want to live that life of going to the same ole boring job everyday.

Jordana: I just auditioned for this roll and got it.

Paul: I want to change the world.

Michelle: Yo I love that man.

(They continue to eat and tell stories of their teen years. After they was done, they all headed to their small apartments. Letty was on the same floor as Dom, with Brian and Jordana on the same floor.)

Jordana: I'm beat guys, I'm going to turn in, goodnight guys.

Vin: Night Jordana.

Michelle: Night chica.

Paul: Yeah, it's going to be an early night for me too.

Michelle: You guys suck, it's only 8 o'clock.

Paul: Sorry, but we have an early shift and I need to call my mom.

Michelle: Mama's boy!

Paul: Proud of it, see you tomorrow.

Vin: Remember we have to be there for 5 in the morning.

(After Paul and Jordana left to head to their room, Michelle looks at Vin.)

Michelle: So your going to bed or you want to come over?

Vin: I can come over for a little bit.

Michelle: Cool, come on.

(Vin follows her to her room and waits for her to open the door. She pushes it open and walks in with him behind her.)

Vin: Wow, I love why you have done to the place.

Michelle: Yeah I figured since were stuck here for 6 months might as well make it feel like home.

Vin: (looks around) Maybe I'll get you to do mine.

Michelle: Just let me know.

(She walks into her kitchen to get two beers and hands him one.)

Vin: So how well you think this movie will be?

Michelle: (sips beer) I don't know, I'm just glad to be apart of it. So tell me why you picked me and no one else.

Vin: (looks at her) Just something in your eyes.

Michelle: Really?

Vin: That badass personality, and let's not forget sexy.

Michelle: You haven't even seen me naked so how would you know.

Vin: I can tell just by looking.

Michelle: (smirks) Well don't be getting any ideas man.

(He laughs as she gets up to go grab another beer. As she walks away Vin can't help but watch her, and how her jeans fit her prefect ass.)

Vin: I think I'm going to head to my apartment.

Michelle: What why?

Vin: We have a long day and I just want to be prepared. You should put that down and get some rest too.

Michelle: What are you my papa?

Vin: No, but drinking before working will have you sluggish.

Michelle: (nods) Your right, umm I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Vin: (smirk) Get some rest Michelle.

Michelle: You two Vin.

(Over the next three months her and the cast have become more like family. Her and Vin have become the closest, and he have shown her a lot about the industry. They was in his trailer to rehearse the garage scene, and Letty was a little nervous.)

Vin: (chuckle) You need to calm down Michy.

Michelle: This is some serious shit man, I don't want to mess this up.

Vin: Don't think too much, just let it happen.

Michelle: Can we just rehearse a little and then I will be ready.

Vin: Whatever you need to be more comfortable.

Michelle: Ok, let's go over the script and try and play out the scene. Hopefully I will remember by the time they are ready for us.

Vin: Just take a deep breath, and let your mind and body do the work.

(Vin stands on the wall while Michelle is across from him. She takes a deep breath and then lets it out. Vin looks at her and watches as she get into character.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now