Chapter 10

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(After they ate dinner, they decided to head to bed to get some much needed rest. After sharing a shower Michelle gets into bed and snuggles into Vin. They instantly falls to sleep and doesn't wake until ten the next morning.)

(Michelle wakes before him and just lay there enjoying the view. She looks down and smiles as she watch Vin who is still sleeping. She gets an evil grin on her face before she moves closer to him. She brings her lips to his neck and place sweet kisses there, moving up to his ear.)

Vin: (awakes) Good Morning!

Michelle: (kiss his ear) Good morning!

Vin: What are you doing?

Michelle: Waking you up so we can get our day started.

(Vin rolls and pulls her to him as he bury his face in her neck. She caresses the back of his head as she feels his lips on her skin. He pulls back before he brings her head up and kisses her.)

Vin: Happy one year.

Michelle: (chuckle) I can't believe it's been a year.

Vin: Best year of my life.

Michelle: I'm really grateful for you Vin. You have saved me in more ways than I dare to count.

Vin: (looks at her) Hey we're just to kids from the hood trying to make it out.

Michelle: I think we are on our way.

Vin: How about we not focus on the past and look forward to the future.

(He moves on top of her as he kisses her lips and moves down her body.)

Michelle: (moans) Oh I'm looking forward to it.

(Vin runs his hands over her body as he slowly peels her clothes off. He sits back a little to admire her naked body as she blush. She uses her finger to tell him to come here and he hovers over her.)

Vin: So beautiful.

Michelle: Even with bed head and morning breath?

Vin: It makes you even more beautiful.

(Michelle laughs out loud as he lay on top of her and they start making out. She did him of his boxers and they spent the next few hours in bed. By noon they both was both showered and now headed out the door.)

Michelle: You think anyone will recognize us?

Vin: Not if we be smart. Come on let's go sight see and later tonight we can celebrate.

(They head to the nearest shopping village and spends a couple hours there. They took a boat ride just enjoying the scenery and eachother. They got back to the villa around four to get ready for dinner Vin set up.)

Michelle: You know going out for dinner is risky.

Vin: That's why I got a chef to come here and cook.

Michelle: (flirts) So what should I wear to this dinner?

Vin: Nothing.

Michelle: (gives him a look) What?

Vin: (chuckle) I brought you something.

Michelle: Vin I told you....

Vin: I know but I had too. I can wait to see you in it but I'm excited to take it off of you.

Michelle: Well since you put it that way.

(She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck as she caresses it. She moves a hand up the back of his head and pulls him down for a kiss. Vin deepens this kiss as he slips his tongue pass her lips. Michelle chuckles when his hands moves down to grab her ass and lifts her.)

Vin: Maybe we could start dessert early.

Michelle: (kisses him) No, I want dinner first and maybe a little dance.

Vin: What happened to Michelle and where can I find her. Did you say dance?

Michelle: (laugh) What, I'm feeling good and I'm having fun.

(They continue to make out until it was time for them to get ready for the special dinner Vin had planned. Michelle went up to take a shower and it took two hours to apply some make up and do her hair. Vin was in some slacks and a dress shirt, while the people downstairs was setting up. He had everything planned out and was excited to celebrate.)

(The time had come and Vin was standing by the bottom of the steps when Michelle finally comes down. His eyes travel from her feet, up her long lickable legs, and to her gorgeous face. Vin licks his lips as he take her in wanting nothing more than to ravage her right there.)

Michelle: Cat got your tongue?

Vin: It will soon enough.

Michelle: (laughs) Your so corny man.

Vin: You have no idea how good you look do you?

Michelle: Judging by the drool on your chin, I'd say pretty damn good.

(She walks the rest of the way down and stands in front of him. She gives him her sexy look knowing how he gets with her teasing him.)

Vin: After you!

Michelle: What did you do?

Vin: Come on.

(He takes her hand and pulls her towards the kitchen and hears a small gasp from her.)

Michelle: When did this happen?

Vin: While you was in the bathroom for four hours.

Michelle: (hits him) I was not in there for four hours.

Vin: Come on let's sit and enjoy this nice meal that Joey cooked for us.

Michelle: You have gone all out. Now I feel like I need to do something for you.

Vin: You being here is good enough for me.

Michelle: Oh I plan on rocking your world.

(The chef coughs hearing what she said and she blush a little.)

Vin: (laughs) You sure you didn't sneak a little wine.

Michelle: Promise, I just feel like I didn't get you anything because I thought we agreed and now I feel bad.

Vin: I told you as long as we're together I'm good.

Michelle: (smirks) Fine, but I'm still going to rock your world.

(The dinner had started and the chef started them out with appetizers first. Vin and Michelle talked and even share a few jokes. Then he brought out Michelle favorite dish, and she realized how much he has been paying attention.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now