Chapter 28

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(As Cara return back to Michelle's room to put on a shirt, Michelle is flushed with red cheeks. Vin gives her a look before he bow his head laughing at the look on her face.)

Michelle: Vin?

Vin: No, you don't have to explain yourself. You're a grown woman and can do whatever you, or whomever you want.

(Her eyes get big and she throws a piece of egg at him.)

Michelle: Your an ass.

Vin: So, who's your girlfriend?

Michelle: It's not like that.

Vin: Oh from what I just seen it's like that and it looks serious.

Michelle: Well it's not, I'm just having fun.

Vin: Is that what you're doing?

Michelle: (makes a face) What do you mean?

Vin: Michelle I've seen pictures of you looking like your either high or drunk, swapping saliva with...

Michelle: Cara!

Vin: Yes, and I know you. I know that's not who you are, exposing yourself like that and out in the open.

Michelle: I'm just living man.

Vin: Is this about Paul?

Michelle: What no! Paul been gone for six months.

Vin: I know trust me, but some people grieve differently and sometimes do things they normally wouldn't.

Michelle: I'm fine Vin, I don't need you coming here playing daddy.

(In that moment Cara walks in.)

Cara: Daddy?

Michelle: Not now Cara.

Cara: Oh Vin I wanted to ask you, if you were interested in a threesome?

Michelle: Cara really, he's my best friend and he has a family.

Cara: What he's handsome.

Michelle: Why don't you come eat and maybe go back to your place for a few days.

Cara: Wow, so you're putting me out because I suggested a threesome?

Michelle: Yes, but I also have a lot work to do.

Cara: (makes a face) I'll leave, but after I'm done eating. Vin are you joining us for breakfast Michelle cooked up?

(Vin looks to Michelle before answering Cara.)

Vin: Why not I have nowhere else to be.

(Michelle roll her eyes before fixing him a plate. They sat down and ate while Cara told Vin how her and Michelle met. Once Cara was gone, Vin gave Michelle the big brother talk. A few months later they were broken up and Michelle was on to the next.)

(Four weeks later Vin was home with his family watching his kids play. Patricia watches from the pool knowing his mind is elsewhere. She picks up their youngest and walks over sitting down.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now