Chapter 37

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(The next morning Michelle was woken up by Vin head between her legs and on the edge of a powerful orgasm. Her heart is racing and she grips the bedsheets as she feels her body explode. She's breathing heavy while he moves up her body and nips her chin.)

Vin: Morning gorgeous.

Michelle: (kisses him) Mmm a very good morning indeed.

Vin: Sorry I woke you, but I couldn't resist. Seeing you later out like that, the sheet barely coving you. All sexy and beautiful waiting for me to just take you.

Michelle: God you're so corny.

Vin: You love it.

Michelle: What time is it?

Vin: A little pass nine.

Michelle: Mmm, I'm so hungry.

Vin: To bad, I just ate.

Michelle: (giggles) Your such a mess.

(She goes to get up but he stops her.)

Vin: I want to talk for a minute.

Michelle: Look what happened between us late last night, and just a few minutes ago won't change anything.

Vin: (makes a face) See that's the thing, I want something to change between us.

Michelle: (gives him a look) What do you mean exactly?

Vin: I'm tired of running Michelle. I'm tired of denying the one thing I want, have wanted for a long time now.

Michelle: (sits up) And what's that?

Vin: You!

Michelle: Vin, we both know that this was just a fling and by next month we both will be with other people.

Vin: No, I'm tired of getting the short end of the stick. I want the whole damn thing and I know you feel the same way. It's obviously that there is something between us, I mean obviously. I'm ready to figure that something out, how about you?

Michelle: I don't know, what about your kids?

Vin: Michelle you have been more of a mother figure than they own mother has. Bella adores you and will fight anyone who gets too close to you.

Michelle: (chuckle) Yeah she would.

Vin: So what do you say?

Michelle: I'm scared.

Vin: Why?

Michelle: What if it doesn't work out and it messes everything up? It's not just us we have to worry about, but those kids.

Vin: Well what if it does work out and we live happily ever after?

Michelle: Oh so you proposing now?

Vin: Would that scare you?

Michelle: I don't know.

Vin: Look, let's just take it one day at a time. No rushing this, I don't want to rush this. I want to enjoy our time and just focus on us and the kids.

Michelle: (smiles) OK, I think we can do that.

(Vin nuzzles her neck and kisses it.)

Vin: Great, now let's see about getting round three before we head back to LA.

Michelle: (laughs) Three, if I'm not mistaken it will be round five.

Vin: No?

Michelle: Yes, we both tapped out early this morning after round three. Round four was you between my legs thirty minutes ago.

Vin: (tackles her) Well I say we go for two more and then we pack to leave.

Michelle: (giggles) Vin you're squishing me, I can touch you like this.

Vin: That's the point, I want you at my mercy. I want to hear you scream my name as I take you over, and over again.

Michelle: (moans) Ugh god that's a lot of talk. Why don't you stop talking and show me?

(To no surprise, Vin did just that and by the time they were ready to leave Michelle was sore and satisfied. They made it back home but went their separate ways until they both were settled.)

(Three months passed as they kept their relationship a secret until they were ready to tell everyone. Michelle spent more time at Vin house helping him with his kids. They were lounging around the pool when his sister showed up.)

Sam: Hey guys.

Vin: Sam, you were supposed to be here hours ago. Mom had to convince Bella to help her pick out everything she needed for cupcakes.

Sam: (looks at Michelle) Hey Chelle, I see you your glowing. Has anything good happened in your life lately that you haven't told me?

Michelle: No, just happy and living life.

Sam: (rolls her eyes) Maybe we can talk later without an audience.

Vin: I'm sitting right here.

Sam: I know, I wanted you to hear that.

Michelle: You two are just...

Vin: She was talking about me like I wasn't here.

Sam: All I said was Michelle glowing today. I'm sorry if I didn't compliment your shiny bald head.

(Michelle busts out laughing as Vin runs his hand over his head.)

Vin: It's not shiny and please go away

Sam: Aww poor baby.

Michelle: (laughs harder) I swear you guys are alike.

Sam: He wishes. I'm going to go see what Mom and Bella are doing. I'll leave you two alone again so you can stare a hole in her face.

Vin: I was not doing that.

Sam: Yeah whatever!

(She walks away and Michelle gives him a look.)

Vin: What

Michelle: She just bussed us.

Vin: Sam, no.

Michelle: I've known her as long as I've known you. She definitely knows we are sleeping together and or in a relationship.

Vin: Well maybe it's time to come clear and tell everyone.

Michelle: No, I like our little secret.

Vin: Michy can you be honest with me before my kids come out here?

Michelle: (smiles) Sure.

Vin: Where do you see this relationship going? Because I can tell you that I'm all in, but I'm not going to force or rush this.

Michelle: (kisses him) I'm here!

Vin: Do you see us getting married and maybe having more kids?

Michelle: I think if it was to happen I wouldn't say no and I wouldn't be mad. I'm tired of running from my feelings of how I feel about you. I know it might be a little awkward because of who we are but I know we will be ok.

(Satisfied with her answer he pulls her to him and kisses her while everyone else was inside. Pulling away she rest her head on his shoulder as they continue to talk about their future.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now