Chapter 21

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(They landed in The DR a little after noon and made their way to the house they were staying. After getting settled and getting some food, they head back to discuss the next few weeks. Michelle or Vin doesn't bring up what happened on the jet. But they can still feel like something is still lingering.)

(Michelle was in the kitchen whipping up something to snack on in just a tank top n boy shorts. Vin had just came in from outside and stops when he sees Michelle. Licking his lips he moves towards her and wraps his arms around her waist.)

Michelle: (jumps) What....

Vin: It's just me.

(She turns and hits him.)

Michelle: Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me.

Vin: You didn't hear me come in?

Michelle: (moves her hair) Earbuds.

Vin: I'm sorry.

Michelle: (looks at him) It's ok, just make some loud noises next time.

Vin: What you making?

Michelle: A snack.

Vin: Hmmm and I thought I was your snack.

(He smiles down at her and she can't help but get butterflies. She smirk at him before she picks up a piece of fruit and move it to his mouth.)

Michelle: Here taste, it's so good.

(He opens his mouth and she place it in his mouth. As she brings her hand back, he grabs it and wrap his lips around her finger. Michelle couldn't help the moan that left her throat and bites her lip.)

Vin: (groans) So good.

Michelle: (voice quivers)!

(She tries to turn to focus on her task, when he grabs her waist and lift her up onto the counter. She gasp as he moves between her legs and cups her face kissing her. Michelle giggle as he place kisses from her lips to her neck.)

Vin: Mmm you taste way better than them fruit.

Michelle: (smirks) Oh yeah!

Vin: Delicious.

(She laugh out loud before he captures her lips with his again. They frantically take off each other clothes, before he lifts her up. He slowly lowers them to the floor as she kiss and bites his ear. He works his fingers down her body, until he's right where she wants him. She opens her legs wider as he slips a finger between her folds.)

Michelle: (gasp) Oh god Vin.

Vin: I've barely touched you and you're soaked.

Michelle: Yeah well, with that body how could I not be.

(She smiles up at him before she pulls him down and kisses him. After a few minutes of touches and kisses, he slowly pushes into her. Michelle lets out a loud moan before she grips his shoulder to hold on. After they both were spent and sweaty, Vin helps her up and she heads to the bedroom.)

(It's been six weeks since they have been in the DR, and Michelle couldn't help but notice the change in Vin. It has also been three days since they had sex, putting it on just friends with benefits. They were in a meeting and Vin assistant was there.)

Vin: Michelle I want you to meet my assistant Patricia, Pat this my best friend Michelle.

Michelle: (hold hand out) Hi, it's nice to meet you.

Patricia: (shakes it) You too, I've heard so much about you.

Michelle: All good things I hope.

(After the introduction, Vin and Pat go back to his trailer to discuss business. Michelle heads back to the house to shower and find something to get into.)

(It's almost ten when they finally settled down and got ready for bed. Vin was sitting on the sofa when Michelle comes in.)

Michelle: What are you watching?

Vin: Oh, umm one of my old movies.

Michelle: Riddick, wow I haven't seen that in forever. Pretty good movie, thinking of doing a part two?

Vin: Maybe, wouldn't you like to know.

(They sit in silence until his phone goes off. He picks it up and send a message back with a goofy grin on his face. After he put the phone down he turns back to the movie as Michelle gives him side eye.)

Michelle: What's that grin about?

Vin: What?

Michelle: Your grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Vin: It's nothing, let's watch me on tv.

Michelle: Uh huh!

(A few minutes later his phones goes off and continues to ding until Michelle reach over and grabs it.)

Vin: (launch for it) Michelle give it back.

Michelle: (gets up) No I want to see who has you smiling so hard.

Vin: Mayte Michelle Rodriguez, if you don't give me back.....

Michelle: Mark Sinclair, if I don't what?

(He runs towards her as she jumps over the sofa and takes off towards the kitchen. As she try to get away she opens his messages and start to read them.)

Vin: Michelle I'm going to kill you.

Michelle: (laughs) Ouuu it's from Patricia.

Vin: Give it back?

Michelle: Ouu, she wants you to send her nudes.

(He jumps across the island but she moves back and smirks at him.)

Vin: Michelle I'm..

(Michelle drops her voice low and talks in a seductive tone.)

Michelle: Vin, I can't stop thinking about the other night. I can still feel your hands and mouth all over my body. Ewwwwwwww, that's gross!

Vin: (sigh) Michelle give me the damn phone NOW!

Michelle: (gives him a look) Fine you big doof.

Vin: Those are private messages.

Michelle: (laughs) Oh please, like you've never read any of my private messages.

Vin: I'm not joking.

(He shakes his head and walk away to go sit back down on the sofa. Michelle stand there for a second before she join him. She takes his hand in hers and plays with his fingers.)

Michelle: (mad) So, how long have the two of you been together?

Vin: She's been my assistant for two years now, but we've been casually going out for the past four months.

Michelle: (looks confused) Wait a minute, you've been seeing her but you had sex with me not even three days ago.

(Vin just sits there looking at the tv but not really watching it. Michelle let's go of his hand and move over a bit to collect herself. After an awkward silence she gets up and make her way to her room and closes the door.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now