Chaoter 39

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(It's late afternoon when they finally pull themselves away from each other after a very intense love-making session.)

Michelle: God my body is sore.

Vin: I didn't hear any complaints last night, early this morning, or three hours ago.

Michelle: We're not spring chickens anymore Vin. I think I threw my hip out.

Vin: Yeah, I think my dick is broken.

Michelle: (laughs hard) Oh my god, it should be. You have the libido of a sixteen-year-old.

(He presses his now hard erection into her ass and grinds. As his hand slowly caresses her skin, Michelle tries to focus on the conversation.)

Vin: (smirks) I mean having a beautiful, and sexy-as-hell woman on my side how can I resist? Do you feel what you do to me?

Michelle: Well this woman needs to shower and food if I'm going to keep up with you. If we keep going like this, we will have a baby in no time.

Vin: (looks at her) Did you just?

Michelle: I did.

Vin: So you would want to have my babies.

Michelle: (looks at him crazy) Babies as in plural? I was thinking maybe after the wedding we can start off with one and see how that goes before you have me around here barefoot and pregnant.

Vin: I'd love to see you barefoot and pregnant with my babies. If it was up to me you would be pregnant right now.

(He brings a hand up and cups her breast as he slowly slips inside her. She gasped as he filled her to the hilt bring his nose in her hair.

Michelle: (moans) You're unbelievable. Can we just focus on the wedding first and then work our way to making a baby?

Vin: (grunts) OK, baby steps.

Michelle: Oh fuck papi! Baby steps, now can you hush and fuck me.

Vin: Yes mami.

(After they have gotten themselves together, Michelle ends up ordering them a late lunch. She's in her robe as she sorts the food out and he comes in.)

Vin: You're trying to kill me aren't you?

Michelle: (looks back) No, just didn't see the point of wearing clothes.

Vin: (groans) Your evil.

Michelle: You love it.

Vin: I do.

(He moves close to her and kisses her head as he steals a piece of toast. They sit at the kitchen islands as they talk about the wedding.)

Michelle: So I was thinking about having a small intimate wedding. Just close family and friends, the kids and us.

Vin: OK, where would it be?

Michelle: I don't know. What do you think?

Vin: We can always go away. Maybe to another country, someplace that we both love or felt home.

Michelle: I loved when we went to Cuba.

Vin: Me too! The people there, thier culture, and all that delicious food.

Michelle: So we can agree on Cuba.

Vin: Yes, this is so easy. What about your brother?

Michelle: Oh shit, they are going to freak when I call them. Just imagine that phone call, "Hey will you be able to come to Cuba for my wedding". I haven't even told them about us even being together now I'm about to drop a wedding in them.

Vin: It's going to be fine. They love you and want to see you happy babe.

Michelle: Yeah, I'm still in shock from it all but I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

Vin: Michelle Sinclair, that has a nice ring to it.

Michelle: (licks her lips) Mmmm, just thinking about it is turning me on.

Vin: Too bad, junior needs to recuperate.

Michelle: Theres other ways to get a person off papi.

(She smirks as she raises an eyebrow moving her hands to the belt of her robe. She unties it and it slowly falls to the floor as she stands there as naked as the day she was born.)

Vin: (eyes her up and down) Yeah I'm one lucky son of a bitch.

Michelle: You're just going to stand there or?

Vin: So fucking sexy.

(In two quick steps he's in front of her and has her placed on the kitchen island.)

Michelle: Baby the kids eat here.

Vin: I'll wipe it down afterward, right now I'm hungry and you know I love to eat.

(With no warning he puts her legs over his shoulder and opens her up. She spreads her legs wider as he leans down and blows on her very sensitive bub. She looks down at him as she watches him kiss and nip at her inner thighs. Knowing what she likes he slides his tongue flat between her folds.)

Michelle: Oh yes baby just like that.

Vin: (growls) You taste so fucking good baby.

Michelle: Don't stop.

(She arches her back off the counter and grabs the back of his head to push him farther on her. She grinds her pussy in his face as he sucks her and slurps up her juices.)

Vin: Fuck your soaked.

Michelle: (caresses his bald head) That's what you do to me.

Vin: Give it to me baby I can feel how close you are.

Michelle: (panting) Ahh mmm I'm so close.

(Hooking his arms around her hips to keep her still, he attaches his lips around her bub if nerve and sucks it into his mouth. Michelle screams as her hips fly up off the counter as her orgasm rips through her.)

Vin: So fucking beautiful, that's it come for me, baby.

Michelle: (breathless) It's too much, oh!

Vin: Come now.

Michelle: (eyes roll back) Oh oh.......

Vin: That's my girl.

(Vin slowly licks her as she comes down from the high he just gave her. She comes around and feels him caressing her thighs and chuckles.)

Michelle: What the fuck was that?

Vin: That was me sending you off to space baby.

Michelle: God I'm still tingling.

(He places his head against her stomach as she rubs his ear as all these emotions run through her veins. He places a tender kiss on her lower a do man before he pulls her up. She waits until she can feel her legs before she goes to shower and put clothes on. They were lounging on the sofa when his mom came to drop the kids off with dinner she prepared for them. They spent the rest of the day watching movies with the kids until bedtime.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now