Chapter 17

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(Lisa and Michelle was drunk but decided that they wasn't drunk enough to where they couldn't make it home. Lisa left first and then Michelle got into her car and pulled off. She was maybe ten minutes away from her apartment when she was pulled over.)

Michelle: Ah fuck!

(She sits and wait for the officer as she watch him come towards her car. The officer shines his light on her and she looks up and smiles.)

Michelle: Can I help you officer?

Officer: You know you were swerving in and out of two lanes?

Michelle: I'm sorry sir, I'm just trying to get home it's been a long week of work and I'm tired.

Officer: Can you turn off the engine and step out of the car please.

Michelle: Why I haven't done anything.

Officer: Your intoxicated ma'am. Your eyes are glossy, and you rink of alcohol, so step out and put your hands on the roof.

Michelle: Alright, alright I'm getting out.

(Michelle turns her car off and sigh before getting out. She fix her top and stumble a little before placing her hands on the roof. Before she could say anything the officer grabs her arms and place handcuffs on her.)

Officer: I'm placing you under arrest for driving under the influence.

Michelle: Officer please I can't get into trouble right now, I'm doing a tv show and...

Officer: You should have thought about that before you chose to drink and drive.

(He carefully walks her over to his car and place her in the backseat. She gives him a look before she tries to adjust herself. By the time she gets to the police station she's barely conscious. They take her in and snaps her picture before taking her to the back.)

(Hours passed and she was put in holding with her friend Lisa who also was pulled over. By the next day her mugshot was released, and her days on LOST was about to end. Her phone has been blowing up with calls and texts from her close friends and family.)

(Two months later her character was killed off and she was headed back to La after her court hearing. She's been home for two weeks now and all she's done was drink more as depression sunk in. She was hanging off the sofa when her cellphone rung and she picks it up.)

Michelle: (slurs word) Hi Vinny.

Vin: Michelle!?

Michelle: Yesssss, you did call me who else would answer?

Vin: Are you drunk?

Michelle: Hey why not, my life is a pile of shit right now.

Vin: What's going on Michelle? I haven't heard from you in a couple months and I wake up with hundreds of texts with you mugshot.

Michelle: I'm a big girl Vin, my daddy died a long time ago.

Vin: I'm just a concern friend.

Michelle: Well I'm fine ok. I'll get through this just like I get through everything else.

Vin: Yeah and how much longer you think that's going to last. You need to get your shit together Michelle or you're going to only destroy your life.

Michelle: Look you killing my buzz, I need to go.

Vin: Do I need to come back?

Michelle: No, I don't need a babysitter Vin. I'm just having one of those days I'll be better tomorrow.

Vin: Do you want to come here? It's real nice here and I know you would love it.

Michelle: No man, you don't need me all in your way while you work. I'll just stay here and figure some shit out. Maybe I'll work on some writing, it always seems to calm me.

Vin: Ok, look I have to get back but I'll call you when I'm done here to check in.

Michelle: (rolls her eyes) Sure papi.

Vin: (chuckle) Don't roll your eyes.

Michelle: What? How do you know..

Vin: I know you more than you know yourself sometimes Michy.

Michelle: Whatever! Bye Vin.

Vin: Talk to you soon.

(After she hangs up with Vin, she picks up the bottle and finish the rest of it. She then gets up and stumbles a little before going to the kitchen. She toss the empty bottle before she head upstairs and fall onto her bed. Sleep overtakes her again and the next time she wakes it's the next day.)

(It's been a year since her arrest and she was finally going to court to see what her future holds. She walks in and sees Vin sitting behind her as she wait her fate.)

Judge: Will the defended please rise.

(Michelle stands and looks at the judge.)

Judge: I see your here because of a second DUI in the last three years.

Michelle: Yes your honor.

Judge: Well I'm not going to keep everyone here no longer than they have to be. I see you spent five days in jail last year. I'm going to give you time served but I will have you wear an ankle monitor. It's to check your alcohol levels, so look at this as rehab without the rehab. Also Ms. Rodriguez, if that monitor beeps at any moment you will be thrown in jail.

Michelle: Yes sir.

Judge: Case dismissed.

(After court was over she was taken to the back and an ankle monitor was put on her. She had to sign a few papers saying she understood the rules and she was free to go. As she walks out she see Vin waiting for her on the bench.)

Vin: Rehab huh?

Michelle: Hey it's better than doing a month in jail.

Vin: Your hungry?

Michelle: Always, but what are you doing here?

Vin: My best friend needed me.

(They head out and she followed him to a diner close to his place. He opens her door and waits for her to get out. The head inside and is escorted to a table outside. They order they food and lemon water, as they wait for their food to be brought out.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now