Chapter 22

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(As Vin sit and listen to Michelle door close, he finally looks down at his phone and reply. A few seconds later his phone ring and he answers it with a smile as Patricia speaks. They talk for a good hour before he tells her goodnight and head to bed himself.)

(It's the next morning when Michelle wakes and just lay there for a moment. Her thoughts about what happened last night runs in her mind. She heard a noise and then Vin's voice as he cuss from hitting something. So she decides to get up and get herself together before confronting him.)

(Vin is in the kitchen cooking up something when she walks in.)

Vin: Morning.

Michelle: Morning, what are you doing?

Vin: Making breakfast, Patricia is coming over.

(He watches her as she looks in the refrigerator for something.)

Vin: So we have two more days before your scene is wrapped.

Michelle: I know.

Vin: I was thinking....

(She cuts him off as she walks up to him.)

Michelle: I have a question for you.

Vin: Ok.

Michelle: Is this thing with your assistant serious?

Vin: I think so, we are still just trying to figure it out why?

Michelle: So on the plane, and the couple times here was what?

Vin: You know what it was Michelle.

Michelle: You had sex with me knowing you are involved with someone else. What was I just a warm body to keep you satisfied until your girlfriend showed up?

Vin: Michelle you know it's not like that.

Michelle: Then how is it Vin? Does she know what we been doing since we left for this trip? Are you going to tell her or will we just pretend that it didn't happen?

Vin: Look, you know how our relationship is.

Michelle: No I don't know shit Vin.

Vin: We have fun together and I see it as we're both scratching an itch every now and then.

(At that moment a knock is heard at the door.)

Michelle: (shakes her head) I'm not going to be brought into your mess Vin.

Vin: Just relax Michy.

(He goes to open the door and Patricia walks through with a big grin on her face. Vin moves close to her and wrap his arms around her waist. She leans up and captures his lips with her own and he groan into it. Michelle rolls her eyes and clears her throat loudly.)

Patricia: (jumps) Oh god sorry, I didn't see you there.

Vin: Come on in, I'm making breakfast.

Patricia: Is this a good time, or should I....

Michelle: Oh don't mind me, I was just about to head out.

Vin: Michelle I've cooked enough for everyone.

Michelle: I'm good Vin, you two enjoy.

(With that she turns and head back to her room. Thirty minutes later she comes back out dressed and head for the door.)

Vin: Michelle the offer still stands.

Patricia: Michele please join us? I want to get to know Vin's best friend.

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now