Chapter 30

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(It was the next day, Michelle was still asleep while everyone else was out. Vin was in the kitchen on the phone making 20 month old Bella lunch.)

Vin: Yes, ok I will see you next week.

Bella: Dada, see nina?

Vin: Tee nina is still sleeping baby.

Bella: (stomp her foot) Want nina!

Vin: Maybe later, yeah she's obsessed.

(As he turns back to his task, Belle wonder off and goes to search for her T nina. Bella push a door open and walks up to Michelle.)

Bella: Nina?

(She doesn't wake so Bella climbs up on the bed as best as she could. Once she's on the bed she moves on top of Michelle and pulls the cover back.)

Michelle: (groans) Hmm a few more minutes.

Bella: Nina?

Michelle: (opens one eye) Bella baby what your doing?

Bella: Miss you.

(Michelle holds Bella as she sits up with Bella in her lap.)

Michelle: Awww I've missed you too. How did you get up here?

Bella: Up bed.

Michelle: (kiss her forehead) You could have hurt yourself Bells.

(They just sit there as they have a conversation in their own binding time. Belle has her hand on Michelle's chest playing with her necklace.)

Michelle: You always did like this thing.

Bella: Eat.

Michelle: Your hungry?

Bella: Yep.

Michelle: Ok, let Nina freshen up and then we can go see where everyone is.

(After she was dressed she picks up Bella and hey head to the kitchen where she hears Vin. She place Bella in her highchair and moves to get a bottled water. Vin finally hangs up his call and turns to see Michelle and Bella.)

Vin: She woke you up didn't she?

Michelle: Yep, but I don't mind I miss my little Bells bear.

Bella: My Nina.

Michelle: That's right.

Vin: I was just cooking lunch before everyone got back.

Michelle: Where is everyone?

Vin: Pat is shopping, and my mom is with Sam at her doctor's appointment.

Michelle: What's wrong with Sam?

Vin: Just a check-up.

Michelle: Hmm.

(They continue talking while Michelle gives Bella some fruit and veggies. Vin was just about done when they heard the door and Patricia's voice.)

Patricia: Hey where is everyone?

Vin: We're in here babe.

Bella: Moma.

(Patricia walks into the kitchen and stops when she sees Michelle. Michelle smiled greeting her as she brought her focus back to Bella.)

Patricia: Michelle it's good seeing you.

Michelle: You too! I hope it's no trouble that I'm here. I told Vin that I was ok, but you know how he can be.

Patricia: Yeah, he cares a lot for the people he loves.

Michelle: (makes a noise) Well I wouldn't say all that.

Patricia: Well I'm going to go put these bags away.

(She walks off and heads to their bedroom. Michelle shakes her head before she gives Vin a look. He gives her a look saying not now and goes to sit down.)

Michelle: Vin?

Vin: Michelle don't start.

Michelle: She walked in here and didn't even pay much attention to Bella.

Vin: I didn't see that.

Michelle: That's cause your head is too far stuck up your ass to notice when she's doing wrong.

Vin: Just drop it Michelle and eat.

Michelle: Whatever, you're the one who has to deal with her.

Vin: We're fine.

Michelle: Yeah and I'm Batman. Come on Bells let's go outside hmmm.

Bella: Outside, outside.

(Michelle cleans her up and takes her out of the chair.)

Michelle: Come on baby, let's get some sun.

Bella: Sun, sun.

(Michelle laughs before placing a kiss on her cheeks and forehead. Michelle stays one more day to help Vin with the kids. Patricia was out again shopping and hanging out with her friends. Michelle was in the guest room packing when Vin's mother walked in.)

Sarah: Michelle, you're leaving so soon?

Michelle: (turns) Hey Mrs. Sarah. Yes, I need to head back home, I have some things I need to take care of.

Sarah: How many times do I have to tell you it's either Sarah or madre? You have been a part of this family for a long time and I see you as one of my children. And you know you can stay another day. The kids miss you and they just light up when you're here.

Michelle: (smiles) I forget, but I'm sure that's not what you want to talk about.

Sarah: (chuckle) Smart woman! I'm concerned about Vin and Patricia.

Michelle: (makes a face) Hmm, Vins to blind to see it but he's in love. I'm sure whatever going on it will pass and things will be back to normal.

Sarah: I think she's using my boy. She doesn't love those kids, she sees them as a meal ticket.

Michelle: Look it's not my business....

Sarah: He's your best friend and he listens to you. You know you're the best thing that has happened to him. You two might be in denial, but I see it when you two are together.

Michelle: I love Vin like a brother and I'm grateful to have him in my life. But that's all it is, he has a fiance and three beautiful kids. I will not insert myself in their relationship because it's none of my business.

Sarah: (sigh) OK, but just please try and visit more. We all love having you here and he just be so happy when you are.

Michelle: Fine, I promise to visit more. Can we keep this conversation between us I must get going.

(Sarah walks up to Michelle and pulls her into a tight hug before kissing her cheek.)

Sarah: Call me when you make it home ok?

Michelle: Yes Mom.

Sarah: Good, now let me go check on the kids.

(Michelle watches her leave and smiles because she really does feel at home here. She lost her parents at a young age and it feels good to have a bonus family. Michelle grabs her bag and heads out back to her own little world.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now