Chapter 12

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(It was now a year after their breakup and things had been crazy. Vin was off working non stop, as was Michelle with two more movies under her belt. They have barely talked and Michelle was kind of feeling down about it. Vin usually calls her if not once a day, every other day to check in.)

(After the success from the first fast and the furious, Paul calls Vin to meet up. Vin makes time and agreed to meet Paul at his place. Vin was on the phone when the doorbell rung and he went to answer. He opens the door seeing Paul and usher him in.)

Vin: Pablo my man.

Paul: What's up.

Vin: Nothing just handling some business before I head back out in a few days.

Paul: Putting in that work?

Vin: You have no idea. How has things been on your end?

Paul: It's been great. I'm here to actually run something by you if you have a minute.

Vin: Let's head to the back.

(Paul follows Vin to the back to a room that looks like a hangout spot. He offer him a drink as he sits across from him.)

Paul: Nice place.

Vin: Thanks man, I been here almost six months now. So what's this you want to talk to me about?

Paul: I was thinking of making a second part of Fast and the furious. I already talked to Gray and he's on board, with how great things went for the first one. So I'm coming to you to see would you do it, and if so should we ask Michelle and Jordana?

Vin: That sound great! To be honest, I'm not sure if I have the time to do a second installment. You can call the ladies and ask them about the idea and see where it goes.

Paul: Ok cool, I just think we have something great and I want to see how far it could go. No one has ever tried it and you know I'm a risk taker.

Vin: (smirk) How about this, you get with Gray and then call me and maybe I can help produce it.

Paul: Great, I can see us doing big things brother.

Vin: Hey dream big is what my pops use to say.

Paul: Mine was the opposite, he wanted me to be a doctor or lawyer and I wasn't having it.

Vin: (laughs) We are going to change the world.

(They continue to talk for a few more hours until Paul got ready to leave.)

Paul: So where's Michelle?

Vin: She's around working, haven't really talked to her in a minute.

Paul: Trouble in paradise?

Vin: More like paradise been over for a year now.

Paul: Damn man sorry to hear that, you two really complimented each other.

Vin: Yeah well we decided our friendship was more important.

Paul: Hey it's better than nothing right?

Vin: Yeah.

Paul: Well I'm not going to hold you, I'll talk to you in a few days.

Vin: Ok, sorry I can't be apart of the second installment.

Paul: No it's cool, who knows maybe in the near future.

(After Paul leaves, Vin goes back to what he was workin on before he showed up. As he sit, he realizes that it was time for him to move on. He was going to throw himself into his work and build his brand.)

(A few weeks passed and Michelle was finally on her way home from wrapping her last movie for the year. She has met some great people, and is learning a lot about the industry. By the time she made it home it was after ten and she just want to sleep. Her phone beeps and she looks down seeing it's Jason and roll her eyes. Her and Jason had been dating for six months before she broke it off. Ignoring his calls and texts, she goes to shower and then gets into bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out and didn't wake the rest of the night.)

(The next morning she was woken up by the slam of her front door and he boyfriends voice. She just lay there until she feels him jump on top of her and kisses her neck.)

Michelle: What the hell Jason.

Jason: Morning babe, I've missed you.

Michelle: Jason why are you here, I thought I told you it was over.

Jason: You can't get rid of me Michelle so deal with it.

(Michelle pushes him off her and get out of bed. She looks at him taken in his drunken state.)

Michelle: Jason you need to leave, I'm not doing this with you no more.

Jason: Oh come on baby. You know you like it just as much as I do.

Michelle: Get out or I'm calling the police.

(He gives her a look before he walks up to her.)

Jason: Call them.

Michelle: How did you get a key to my apartment?

Jason: I made a few copies.

Michelle: Ok I'm not dealing with this today.

(She goes to reach for her phone when he beats her to it. He snatches it up and holds it above his head because he's 6 foot 2 and she couldn't reach it.)

Jason: I told you a month ago that I'm here to stay.

Michelle: (growls) Jason please just leave. What we had was good in the beginning, but Jason I can't keep doing this.

Jason: No, I love you and I'm trying to get better for you.

Michelle: Jason your high and drunk, so how are you trying to get better.

(Not feeling like arguing with Jason she just goes to her bathroom and just sits on the toilet. She tries to think of a way to get rid of him, as she hears him moving around her room. After she brushes her teeth and cleans her face she opens the door and he's in her bed. Shaking her head, she head to the kitchen to fix her some tea and fix breakfast.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now