Chapter 38

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(It's been six months since they decided to give a relationship another try. Things has been great between them and even his  kids was happy. Patricia pleaded guilty to attempted murder and endangering of a child. She was sentenced to five years in prison and two years probation.)

(A year passed since Vin and Michelle got together and things couldn't have been greater. It was Vins mother birthday and his sister and him decides to have a small family gathering at Sam's place. His kids were running around chasing each other with water guns while he watched. Michelle was in the kitchen helping Sam with a cheese and cracker tray.)

Sam: So, when are you and my brother going to tell everyone you're together.

Michelle: What makes you think we are together?

Sam: Bella told me that she saw you coming out of her daddy's room early one morning.

Michelle: (shakes her head) I can't get anything pads that girl.

Sam: So it's true?

Michelle: (looks at her) I'm sure you know the answer to that question Sam.

Sam: (shrieks) Oh my god! I knew it I knew it. Mom guessed but she wasn't sure, she had a feeling before it even happened.

Michelle: Your mother is a wise woman.

(At that moment Vin walks in.)

Vin: Whats going on over here? Did I hear some girl talk because the party was about to start and were hungry?

Michelle: Sam knows about us.

Vin: Does she?

Michelle: Yep and maybe your mom too.

Vin: Oh she been knew.

Michelle: What?

Vin: You know I can't lie to my mother Michelle.

(She grabs a towel and throws it at him.)

Michelle: Why didn't you tell me?

Vin: Because you waste ready and we still have to tell the kids.

Michelle: Bella saw me coming out of your room early one morning so she kind of knows.

Vin: She's only three.

Michelle: Yeah, but she's smart and sneaky.

Vin: Well it seems like it's time to come clean.

Michelle: What about the kids?

Vin: They love you Chelle they will be ecstatic.

Sam: Great, now it's time to make it official. I'm so happy and excited for you two and welcome to this crazy family.

(She walks off with a big smile on her face. Once she's outside Michelle turns to Vin who is giving her a look.)

Michelle: What?

Vin: Are you ready for this?

Michelle: Not really but I think it's time because I'm tired of hiding.

Vin: I'm just concerned about the older two, Bella on the other hand already called you mami.

Michelle: (makes a face) You know about that?

Vin: (smirks) Yep, I mean you are the only mami she knows. You two have always had that connection and she adores you.

Michelle: I adore her too. I love them all like they are my own.

Vin: See we have nothing to worry about.

(He pulls her into him and kisses her with everything he is feeling at that moment. He deepens it causing her to moan and grasp his arms. They were so caught up in the kiss they didn't hear Sam come back in.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now