Chapter 25

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(It's been two years since Furious 4 and Michelle was back home from exploring the world. She managed to go back to The DR to help out from a storm that destroyed the land. She was enjoying the nice springtime weather when there was a knock on her door.)

Michelle: Dammit, I just go comfortable.

(She place her cat Hemingway down as she go inside and to the front door. She stops when she sees who's there with his back turned. Closing her eyes and sighing, she makes her way to open the door.)

Vin: Hey.

Michelle: (leans on door) What are you doing here?

Vin: I need to talk to you.

Michelle: You could have emailed me or my manager.

Vin: (give a look) So it's like that?

Michelle: What do you want Vin? I was enjoying this beautiful weather before you popped up.

Vin: Can I come in?

Michelle: Why?

Vin: I need to talk to you.

(He gives her his best puppy dog look and she caves. She step back and lets him pass as she hit the door. Vin sits down on her sofa as she comes to stand in front of him with her arms crossed.)

Michelle: It must be really important if you found my new place?

Vin: It was a direct order.

Michelle: From who?

Vin: Greg and the fans. They want you to come back.

Michelle: (makes a face) How?

Vin: Just say yes.

Michelle: Why should I?

Vin: Because I miss my best friend and so does your goddaughter.

Michelle: You using your daughter to get back into my good graces won't...

(She is cut off by Vin pulling her into him and wrapping his arms around her. She tries to struggle but it's not use so she just stands there.)

Vin: Michy I miss you so much. I know I was a total jackass...

Michelle: A big jackass.

Vin: (chuckle) Enormous jackass, and I am so sorry but I need the other half of my heart back.

Michelle: Hmm I'm sure Patricia has that other half.

Vin: No, it only belongs to you. So what do you say we put the past behind us and move forward. This is going to be big and there is no one I'd rather do this thing with.

Michelle: (looks at him) Your lucky I love your hugs.

Vin: So is that a yes?

Michelle: I guess, only because of the fans.

Vin: (smiles) Great, now can we finally make up?

(Michelle moves back and hit him in the chest.)

Michelle: Oh we are not doing that. I'm not that kind of woman and I will not be anyone side piece.

Vin: (laughs) What? Michelle I wasn't talking about that, I just want to hang out with you since I'm here. We can also talk about what you have been up to these last two years.

Michelle: I'm sure you don't want to hear that.

Vin: I do, now let's find some menus and see what we're eating tonight and a movie.

Michelle: (grins) Ok, I miss our hangouts.

(Michelle went to get the menus as Vin walks around her place. They go through the menus and pick two places while Vin finds a movie. They ate and watched a movie, until they both fell asleep on different sides of the sofa.)

(Six months passed and the relationship took some time, but it felt like old times again. Michelle was able to spend quality time with her goddaughter and got to know Patricia as well. They was all sitting around enjoying some food and drinks put together by Paul.)

Paul: So as everyone knows, Vin and I been talking and the plan is to make ten the final movie.

Tyrese: Ten, damn man.

Luda: What more can we do that we haven't done already.

Vin: Oh there's plenty, we have already brought Michelle back from the dead.

Michelle: Technically I'm not dead, just lost.

Paul: I must say Michelle, you doing one hell of a job baby.

(She rolls her eyes as they laugh out loud.)

Michelle: Yeah, yeah, it's a real struggle for me.

Jordana: Hell I'm just glad you're back. Imagine being the only female around all these males.

Michelle: Oh I can imagine.

(It was a few hours later while everyone was inside, Michelle was sitting out by the beach. She was sipping on her favorite beverage when she heard someone walk up.)

Patricia: Mind if I join you?

Michelle: (looks up) Ummmmm no, of course not.

(Pat sits down next to Michelle and stare out before she speaks again.)

Patricia: Look I don't want things to be awkward between us.

Michelle: (smirks) I wasn't aware that things were awkward.

Patricia: Michelle we've barely been around each other since we all got here. You stay maybe ten minutes in a room with me before you leave.

Michelle: Vin sent you out here?

Patricia: No, I'm here because you my kid godmother and we happen to share the same man.

Michelle: Patricia I can guarantee you we do not share the same man. Yes we had something a long time ago, but I respect him too much to come between his relationships.

Patricia: Well that's good to know.

Michelle: So why are you out here?

Patricia: I want us to be cordial, maybe become friends one day.

Michelle: (chuckle) I have nothing against you Patricia. It was never about you, I just didn't like the way he handled the situation.

Patricia: Yeah that's a man for you. But I love him so much and I want you to be apart of this family. I mean he is planning on asking you to be the godmother of this baby.

(Michelle was taking a sip of her drink.)

Michelle: (chokes) What?

Patricia: I'm pregnant again.

Michelle: Oh wow, umm congratulations.

Patricia: So what do you say?

Michelle: Of course. And I would like to be friends and put this awkwardness behind us.

(Pat smiles before she pulls Michelle into a side hug. Michelle returns the gesture before they both head back inside. Michelle walks over to Vin as he's watching them and punches him in the arm. She then hugs him and congratulates him so no one could hear.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now