Chapter 43

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(Two and a half years have passed since that day and life couldn't be better for the Sinclair family. Michelle ended up adopting Vin's kids six months after getting married. A month afterward they welcomed their own baby boy named Mikah.)

(Today was January 2nd and Mikah's 2nd birthday. His parents were still in bed when he came busting through their door.)

Mikah: Mami mami, it's time to wake up. It's my two birthdays today.

Vin: Happy Birthday.

Michelle: Happy Birthday my love but Mikah baby it's still early.

Vin: Kah your mother is still sleeping.

Mikah: (pouts) But Papa it's my two birthdays. Grammi is here and she told me to come wake you and Mami up.

Sarah: (appear in the door) I did not now come let's let your parents rest.

Mikah: But....

Vin: Don't disobey your grammi Kah.

Mikah: Sorry grammy.

Sarah: It's okay baby, how about we go make some cupcakes for your big day?

Mikah: OK, see you later mama and Papa.

(When the door is closed again, Vin hears Michelle laughing.)

Vin: What's funny?

Michelle: Did he say his two birthdays?

Vin: He did, you really need to keep Sid away from our kids. They pick up everything she says and does.

Michelle: He loves his nena and she's so good with them.

Vin: (kisses her) How's my girl doing this morning?

Michelle: Feeling really fat and swollen.

Vin: (chuckle) Well you are carrying our little princess.

Michelle: Yeah I wish she would get her feet out of my ribs. These last two months are going to kill me.

(Vin moves the covers to uncover her naked body as he looks at her large belly. He moves between her legs and kisses her belly as his hands rub across it. He feels a strong kick as their daughter hears her father's voice.)

Vin: Hey baby girl. I know you are all warm and cozy in there but Mami needs to rest. Can you move your feet for a little bit and I promise once you're here you can have whatever you want.

Michelle: Great, she has you wrapped around her finger and she's not even here yet.

Vin: You want relief or not?

Michelle: (chuckle) Sorry keep going.

Vin: You want me to sing to you is that it?

(Babygirl gives a kick making Michelle giggle.)

Michelle: I think that's a yes papa.

(At that he started singing a lullaby he had written for all his kids. As he sings Michelle notices that the ache in her ribs is gone. She also felt that baby girl had calmed down and her body was becoming relaxed. She slowly began to drift off as she listened to his voice. After Vin reaches the third verse he looks up and notices that his wife is asleep. Smiling he moves away before kissing her head pulling the cover back over her.)

(He changes out of his PJs before going to freshen up. Once done he makes his way to the kitchen where he hears his kids.)

Vin: Good morning.

Camryn: Morning Dad.

Vincent: Dad grandma is making cupcakes for Kahs party.

Mikah: It's my two birthdays papa.

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