Chapter 3

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(Michelle is nervous as hell as she get into her character for there first intimate scene.)

Vin: I'm ready whenever you are.

Michelle: I'm coming.

(Vin gives a low chuckle under his voice.)

(Reading script)

Michelle: Hey Dom, don't you think your sister is entitled to a little happiness.

Vin: Of course I think she's entitled to happiness.

(Vin moves closer to her.)

Vin: I have to make sure she keeps moving forward, she doesn't belong here. What do you care anyway Letty?

Michelle: (looks at him) She's old enough to make her own decisions man.

Vin: Letty I...

(Vin acts like he's moving away from her and she grabs his arm.)

Michelle: What you need to be worrying about, is who's going to stick by your side.

Vin: You gonna stick by me?

(Michelle moves close to him as he says this.)

Michelle: (looks up at him) Maybe!

Vin: Maybe?

(She runs her hands up his arms and then down his chest. He chuckle as he looks down and Michelle puts her forehead to his.)

Michelle: You don't always have to be such a tough guy.

(He rubs his face against hers as her finger play across his chest and then she rubs her nose against his before she kisses him. She plays with his lip a little before he kisses her back. His hand move from her hips up to her face cupping it.)

Vin: You taste good.

(They make out a little before Michelle add a little tongue as she giggles. They both let out a moan as his hands travel down and he slowly cups her ass. He raise her up and she chuckles a little locking her legs around Vin waist.)

Michelle: Watch out now.

(He moves towards his bed.)

Michelle: Woohoo, I like you.

(Vin sits on his bed with Michelle in his lap, as they kiss causing Michelle to let out a soft moan. He has his hands on her back as he bury his face between her boobs. After a few seconds they both pull back and Michelle cheeks are flushed. She hurries and get up moving to the other side of the trailer.)

Vin: (gives her a look) I think that was great.

Michelle: Yeah, now we just have to remember it all.

Vin: We're going to be fine.

Michelle: Umm I think I'm going to head back to my trailer. Thanks again for rehearsing with me.

Vin: No problem, anytime.

Michelle: Great, see you later.

(She hurries out and walk to her trailer in a fast pace. Back in Vin's trailer he sits there for a minute, as what just happened runs through his head.)

Vin: Damn, that was hot.

(Once she makes it she goes in and slams the door leaning against it.)

Michelle: (panting) Get it together Mich, your just acting.

(After they got themselves together, Michelle met Vin so they can do they scene. They start the scene and act it out just as they had in Vin's trailer. They let there minds and bodies do all the work as they get lost in each other. By the end they were so in their own world that they didn't hear CUT.)

Grey: (yells) Ok guys cut!

(They break apart and Michelle moves to get off of him. She grabs his hand and pulls him up as she gives him a look.)

Grey: That was great guys.

Vin: Do we have to do any retakes?

Grey: No, we got everything.

Michelle: Great, anything else you need from me?

Grey: I just need Vin for the last scene of the day.

Michelle: Ok, I'll be in my trailer.

Grey: Ok, great work again Michelle.

Michelle: Thanks!

(She looks at Vin before she head to her trailer and hops straight in the shower. She doesn't know what's coming over her but it was definitely something more than acting back there. She gets out and get comfortable waiting on them to finish so she can head home.)

(It was pass 8 when there was a knock on her trailer door and she goes to answer it. She opens it and see Vin standing there with a shit eating grin on his face.)

Michelle: What's that grin for?

Vin: Nothing, I'm just feeling good that all.

Michelle: It's time to go?

Vin: Yeah, and we have the next three days off.

Michelle: Why?

Vin: Grey thinks we deserve it from all the hard work.

Michelle: Cool maybe I'll have time to hit up a club tomorrow night.

Vin: Come on party girl let's get home I'm exhausted.

Michelle: What your walking me to my car?

Vin: That's what a man suppose to do right.

Michelle: (smirks at him) You are quite the gentleman Vin.

(He waits for her to grab her things and they head out. The car ride was silent as Michelle looks out the window. They pull up to the apartments and head to their separate doors.)

Vin: So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?

Michelle: Yeah, I'm beat man.

Vin: Any plans tomorrow?

Michelle: Well since we have the next three days off, I think I'm going to hit up that new club. I was thinking of inviting Paul and Jordana to come along.

Vin: I heard about it, it's very popular and I heard celebrities be there too. I could use some fun so let me know when you decide?

Michelle: Ok, sounds good.

Vin: well I'm not going to hold you, goodnight Michy.

Michelle: (smiles) Goodnight Vin.

(The next day Michelle is woken up by a knock at her door. Barely awake she gets up out of bed hitting her toe as she went.)

Michelle: FUCKKK!

(She limp to the door.)

Michelle: Who is it?

Vin: It's me Vin.

Michelle: I'm sleep go away.

Vin: Open the door, I brought food.

(The door opens quickly and Vin is standing there with a big grin and a bag. The aroma coming from the bag makes Michelle stomach growl, making Vin chuckle.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now