Chapter 41

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(It was summer time and Vin decided to take his family on a vacation to Cuba. Michelle was at home finishing packing so she could meet them at his house later that evening. She was on the phone with one of her close friends.)

Sid: Hello mother of my future goddaughter or son.

Michelle: Oh god, see that's why I wish I wouldn't have told you.

Sid: What, it's not everyday my best friend tells me she's pregnant.

Michelle: Yeah well this kid is kicking my ass. I can barely hold anything down and I be so tired.

Sid: Awww the joys of pregnancy.

Michelle: (chuckle) Yeah whatever!

Sid: So are you all packed to go on your little couples vacation?

Michelle: (chuckle) Yes, I'm just packing a duffle bag for a carryon. And it's not a couples vacation, he's taking his whole family to Cuba.

Sid: Are you guys finally going to tell everyone?

Michelle: To be honest I think they already know. I mean his mom is like a fucking mind reader or something, she knows everything.

Sid: I wish I could be there.

Michelle: Me too, but I understand.

Sid: I was supposed to be your maid of honor and I can't even get off work to see my best friend walk down the isle.

Michelle: I rather you still have a job than to get fired because of my wedding.

Sid: But it's your wedding Michelle. I really hate my boss right now because she knows how important this is to me.

Michelle: I'll send pictures I promise.

Sid: Pictures, I want to hear the juicy details of the wedding night.

Michelle: You're so nasty.

Sid: Will your brothers be there?

Michelle: No, they couldn't get off in time so none of my family will be there.

Sid: That's suck Michy.

Michelle: I'm sad about it but I'm getting married in two days to the love of my life so that's all that matters.

Sid: That's right girl, and it's about fucking time. I'm so happy for you guys, you make me want to settle down and get married.

(Michelle looks down at her watch at the time.)

Michelle: Look Sid I need to go before I'm late. I'll call you once we land in Cuba, and no I'm not going to tell you about our steamy hot wedding night.

Sid: You suck Michelle, I really don't know why I'm your best friend.

Michelle: Because you love me and is my best friend.

(Sid screams as Michelle pulls the phone away from her ears.)

Sid: Oh my god you're really going to come back a married woman.

Michelle: Damn Sid that was my ear.

Sid: Sorry girl I'm just too excited.

Michelle: Thank you, now I really must go before he calls me.

Sid: OK, bye girl and call me.

Michelle: I will, bye.

(Michelle hangs up and quickly grabs her things and loads her car. She shoots Vin a text telling him that she is on her way to him. Once she gets there she is greeted by three small humans who hug her tight.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now