Chapter 31

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(It was six months later and Michelle was able to stay on a positive path. Michelle was just about to leave her door to meet her date when she got a call.)

Michelle: Dammit.

Miguel: Come on Michelle we have reservations.

Michelle: Hold on my phone is ringing.

Miguel: Babe, tonight is about you and I, whoever that is can wait until tomorrow.

(Michelle sees that it's Sarah calling.)

Michelle: I'll call her back.

Miguel: I made reservations at the best restaurant and you're going to be too busy to call them back.

Michelle: (arch an eyebrow) Stop being such a child Miguel.

(She was heading down the stairs in a sexy red dress and heels when he sees her. She walks up to him and gave him a seductive look. He wraps his arms around her and bury his face into her neck kissing and sucking her pulse point.)

Miguel: Wow, maybe we should skip dinner and get right down to dessert.

Michelle: (moans) Mmm, no papi you promised me dinner and then you can have dessert.

Miguel: (groans) Your killing me woman.

(They were making out when her cell rung again.)

Michelle: Fuck!!!!

Miguel: No, just turn it off.

Michelle: (sigh) It must be important if she's calling back to back hold on.

Miguel: Ughhhhhhhhh.

Michelle: I just need a few minutes baby ok.

Miguel: Fine, if you not done in three minutes I'm breaking that damn phone.

(Michelle kisses him before she answers.)

Michelle: Hello.

Sarah: Michelle thank god.

Michelle: What's going on?

Sarah: You need to get to Mercy general as soon as possible.

Michelle: (starts to panic) Why what's happened?

Sarah: He needs you Michelle.

Michelle: Sarah what....

(Michelle hears Vins voice in the background and she could hear the shakiness in his voice.)

Sarah: I can't talk right now, just get here please.

Michelle: Ok, I'm on my way.

(Michelle hangs up and looks at Miguel and sees the look on his face.)

Miguel: Please tell me you're not canceling our date?

Michelle: I'm sorry but it's a family emergency.

Miguel: This is some bullshit.

Michelle: I'll make it up to you I promise.

Miguel: (shakes his head) Don't even bother.

Michelle: Miguel please don't do this.

Miguel: I'm not doing anything like, it's you. Look I really like you Michelle, but this is messy. I'm here busting my ass for this relationship and you're scared to commit.

Michelle: I'm trying, but he needs me right now.

Miguel: You talk to him almost every damn day. He's a grown ass man who should be able to figure shit out on his own.

Michelle: (getting upset) Look, just because you don't like him, doesn't means I'm going to ignore him when he needs me. Now we can either reschedule or if it's too much for you, we don't have to do this.

Miguel: (smirks) Yeah I think I've wasted enough time in this one way relationship. I'll be back later to get whatever things I have here.

Michelle: I'm sorry!

Miguel: Me too! I just hope you get your head out of your ass, and realize that none of your relationships will work because your in love with him.

(Instead of saying anything, he walks up to her and kiss her cheek before he leaves out. Michelle waits a good ten minutes before she hurry to change and to the hospital.)

(Once she makes it there she gets out and runs in asking for Vin and his family. She is told to go to the fourth floor where she sees Vin and Sarah sitting in chairs.)

Michelle: Vin?

Vin: (looks up) Michelle.

(She moves towards him as his face crumbles and takes him into her arms. Vin holds her tight as he bury his face in her neck.)

Michelle: Vin your scaring me, what's going on?

Vin: (exhale) It's Bella. She fell down the stairs and, and she wouldn't wake up.

Michelle: Oh my god! How did this happen?

Sarah: It was Patricia.

Michelle: What?

Vin: I will tell you later, I just want to focus on Bella and make sure she's ok.

Michelle: (caress the back of his head) Ok, what are the doctor saying?

Vin: She has a broken arm, a twisted ankle, bumps, bruises, but the main concern is her head injury.

Michelle: (gets emotional) Oh god! She's going to be ok right. They will make sure she's okay and...

Vin: She's strong and a fighter like her nina.

Michelle: (exhale) Do you need anything, food or something to drink?

Vin: No, just be here please.

Michelle: Ok, I'm not going anywhere.

(Hours passed and still no word about Bella's condition. Vin is going out of his mind and Michelle and his mother is trying to comfort him. An hour later they hear feet and look up to see Sam and her husband.)

Sam: Hey, we got here as fast as we could.

Vin: Sam I told you to stay.

Sam: That's my niece in there, the hell was I staying. Besides we were due back in two days anyway.

(They hug before his name is being said.)

Doctor: Bella Sinclair family.

Vin: I'm her father, how's my daughter?

Doctor: She's in stable but critical condition. I rest her arm, she has a cast on her ankle, and I did an MRI and she has a small fracture at the back of her skull. She has a small bleed but no swelling at this time which is good. So I put her in a medical induced coma for the next few days so her body can heal.)

Michelle: (covers her mouth) But she will be ok?

Doctor: She's a fighter I can tell you that. But I'm going to monitor her for 48 hours and see how she does.

Vin: When can we see her?

Doctor: She's being moved to a private room in the ICU. I can only allow two people in at a time and only one can stay overnight.

Vin: Ok thank you doctor.

Doctor: I will send someone for you all when she's moved.

Sarah: Thank you so much. Come on baby.

(It took an hour to get Bella situated before they were able to visit with her. Everyone got a few minutes before they left. Michelle ended up staying longer because Vin begged the doctor. So they sat there and watched as Bella fought to stay strong.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now