Chapter 6

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(He cups her face as he look into her dreamy eyes. Slowly he leans forward and capture her lips with his. Between the alcohol and the sparks she feels Michelle kisses him back. They make out for couple of minutes before she pulls back.)

Michelle: What are we doing?

Vin: Something I wanted to do since I first laid eyes on you.

Michelle: (looks at him) Oh and what's that?

Vin: Why don't I just show you.

(He kisses her and it sets her whole body on fire. His hands roam her body as they moves towards her room. Clothes are ripped off and discarded all over the floor. Vin picks her up as she wraps her arms around his neck not breaking their kiss. He lay her down on her bed and crawl between her parted legs.)

Michelle: Promise me something?

Vin: What?

Michelle: Promise me that no matter what happens we will always stick together.

Vin: I promise.

Michelle: Good!

(She reaches up and takes his bottom lips between hers as her hand slide down his back. His hand grips her hip as he grinds against her. Michelle slips her tongue out tasting his lips before he does the same.)

Vin: You taste good!

Michelle: (giggle) Touch me!

(He bends his head and latch his mouth onto her neck sucking her skin before he kiss it. He moves his hand down her body until he reach her wet center, and sinks a finger inside her.)

Michelle: (moans) Mmmm, yes.

Vin: You like that?

Michelle: Yes, don't stop.

(He pleasured her until her moans turn into whimpers. Unable to hold out any longer he withdrew his fingers as he kiss the corner of her mouth.)

Vin: Where are your condoms?

Michelle: Nightstand.

(He reaches over and fish around for a condom, as Michelle takes him into her hands. She sucks his neck as she strokes him making him groan. He lifts off her a little to put the condom on before he kisses her. He takes himself in his hand and slowly push forward. Michelle breaks their kiss and gasp as she feels him stretching her.)

Vin: Damn! Your so tight.

Michelle: Just go slow, it's been a while.

(Things get hot and heavy and by the time they was done, they both was sweaty and couldn't move. Vin pulls Michelle to him as she curl around him with her head on his chest. Within minutes they both were in a deep sleep content in each other arms.)

(It's the next morning and the sun is shining through the window onto the occupied bed. Vin groans and rolls over and freezes when his arm lands on something soft and warm. He lifts his head and looks over seeing Michelle sleeping next to him. He closes his eyes as he tries to remember last night. A grin comes across his face as he moves closer to her and touch her bare back.)

Michelle: (groans) Ughhhhh!

Vin: Good morning!

(When she doesn't say anything he leans in and place a kiss to her shoulder. He brings his hand down the middle of her back as he place kisses until she shivers.)

Michelle: (moans) Mmmm!

Vin: Hey Michelle can I ask you something?

(Michelle head shoots up and looks over seeing Vin grinning at her with sleep filled eyes. She turns over and bring the sheet up to cover herself.)

Michelle: Why are you grinning?

Vin: I'm just remembering last night.

Michelle: Oh yeah, what do you remember about it?

Vin: How good you felt wrapped around me.

(She moves closer to him and without warning licks his bottom lip. Feeling the spark between them he bends down, and captures her lips between his. Michelle brings her hands to his face and deepens the kiss.)

Vin: (groans) You really do taste good.

Michelle: (laughs) So that wasn't in the script?

Vin: No, I forgot all about that fucking script in that moment.

Michelle: Well I think we should continue where we left off.

(She gets up and straddles his legs letting the covers fall around her hips. She smiles at him as he brings his hands to her side holding her in place.)

Vin: Your playing a dangerous game here Michelle.

Michelle: I like danger Vin.

(She smirks before she she leans forward taking his lip between hers. He brings his hands down cupping her ass as she grinds against him. They make out as things get hot and heavy, leaving them both speechless.)

Vin: (pulls back) You sure know how to drive me crazy.

Michelle: (moans) Mmm! What about me drives you crazy.

Vin: Your different, I know your younger than me but your mind is so ahead of this time. Just to listen to you talk about things that interest you, and your passionate about is so damn sexy.

Michelle: Funny, my mom would always say my mind is what's going to get me in trouble, and sometimes I think she's right. My dad was the one with the care-free spirit and told me that as long as you read who needs school.

Vin: (chuckle) Your dad told you that?

Michelle: Yep! That's when I decided to become an actress.

Vin: Mmm, well thanks to your dad.

(He leans forward and kiss her as things get back hot and heavy.)

Michelle: (laughs) How about we take this to the shower.

Vin: That's a great idea.

(Vin moves off the bed with Michelle still glued to him and stands up. He heads to the bathroom, and turns on the shower before stepping in with Michelle. They go for round two before they both are relaxed and satisfied. By lunch time Vin was dressed and on his way to pick up his sister from the airport.)

Michelle: I really had a great time last night.

Vin: We should definitely do it again.

Michelle: We should talk about...

(Michelle motion a figure between the both of them.)

Vin: How about once my sister is settled, we could talk.

Michelle: Yeah ok.

Vin: Can I kiss you?

Michelle: (chuckle) Dude you've already seen me naked, a kiss won't matter.

(He pulls her to him and kisses her leaving her hot and speechless.)

Vin: I need to go but I promise we will talk about this.

Michelle: Ok, just call me.

Vin: See you later.

Michelle: Definitely.

(Vin kisses her before leaves out to go get his sister. Michelle smiles before she close the door and leans against it. He called her that night, he wanted to invite out for breakfast. She agreed and wished him a goodnight before he went to sleep with a smile on her face.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now