Chapter 11

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(They have been loving how this evening was going. They are, joked, and danced just loving the peace and time they are spending together. They was slow dancing, their bodies molded together, feeling every  emotion. Vin had his face buried in her neck as he place sweet kisses to it.)

Vin: Michelle I have something for you.

Michelle: Vin please tell me you didn't buy me another gift?

Vin: Not really, but it's very important.

(She pulls away and looks up at him seeing the seriousness in his eyes. He leans down and kisses her before he looks into her eyes.)

Michelle: What's wrong?

Vin: You know how much I love you right?

Michelle: (gives him a look) Yeah.

Vin: This has been the best year of my life, and I can't thank god enough for bringing you into my life.

Michelle: Trust me I know I feel the same way, You have become my family Vin, I have so much respect for you and I will cherish our relationship til the death.

Vin: Well with that being said.

(Michelle watches him as he takes something out his pocket and gets down one knee. She gives him a crazy look as she realizes what he's doing and freezes. Vin opens the box and present the ring to her as her mouth drops.)

Michelle: Vin!

Vin: Michelle, you have become someone I can trust, you have been nothing but a great friend, and I don't think I can go the rest of my life without you. Mayte Michelle Rodriguez will you do me the honor and marry me?

(Shocked, flabbergasted, frozen, scared, and mouth wide open she is speechless. Vin waits for her to say something as he watch her mind go into overdrive. It takes a full two minutes before she finally blinks and looks at him.)

Michelle: Vin, are you serious?

Vin: I am! I love you Michelle and I want to be more than just your boyfriend.

Michelle: (licks her lips) Vin I don't think this is a good idea.

(He stands up as he watch her move away and start pacing.)

Vin: Why not?

Michelle: I don't think I'm ready for that just yet.

Vin: Is it because of the age difference?

Michelle: No, I'm only 23 and I still have my life to figure out and..

Vin: You love me but not in love with me. I get it, we're just having fun right?

Michelle: Vin you know that's not it, you want something I'm not ready for. Your 33 and is ready to settle down, get married, and have a family. I'm still trying to figure out who I am and what I want out of life. I can't give you what you want, because I don't want to resent you later. I love you Vin more than you will ever know, but I can't give that to you.

(It was Vin's turn to pace the floor before he finally stops with his head down.)

Vin: I'm sorry I sprung this on you the way that I did.

Michelle: Hey this is something we can both look back on, and maybe laugh about it. You are my best friend Vin, and I cherish that more than anything. I don't want to lose you because of this, so please don't take this the wrong way.

Vin: (looks at her) Your right, I was way over my head. I just assumed we were on the same page and I let how I was feeling get to me. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was pressuring you into something.

Michelle: Look can we forget this whole thing and just continue to enjoy the rest of the night.

(Vin looks around before he turns back to her.)

Vin: Umm I think I'm going to call it a night.

Michelle: What why? We still haven't had dessert yet, I was really looking forward to some dessert.

Vin: You can have dessert Michelle, I'm going to head up.

Michelle: So that's it? I turned down your proposal and now your upset?

Vin: Look let's just leave this where it is ok.

(He turns and walks upstairs to the room they shared and close the door. He sits on the bed and take out the box and looks down at the ring. Sighing, he shakes his head realizing how stupid he was for thinking she was ready.)

(Downstairs Michelle is still standing in the same spot shocked at what just happened. She wants to go after him but decides to let him cook off. Two hours passed and still nothing so she goes to check on him. She gets to the door and slowly opens it, seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed.)

Michelle: Hey.

Vin: (looks up) Hey.

(Seeing that he have calmed down she walks over and sit next to him. They sit in silence for what felt like a long time before she spoke.)

Michelle: Well this is awkward.

Vin: More like embarrassing for me.

Michelle: (looks down) I'm sorry!

Vin: No, it's not your fault. I should have thought about all of this before I just dumped this on you.

Michelle: It's a beautiful ring.

Vin: (smirks) Yeah.

Michelle: (bite lip) So what does this mean for us?

Vin: (sigh) I don't know. I don't think it's wise to continue what we started, but I also don't want us to stop being friends.

Michelle: It will be hard, but I think our friendship is stronger.

Vin: I can say that this was the best relationship I've ever had.

(She smirks at his comment before she takes his hand in hers.)

Michelle: Oh please, I'm sure there is someone out there who will make you forget all about me.

Vin: (chuckle) Yeah, probably.

Michelle: How about we make a vow.

Vin: (looks at her) Ok.

Michelle: I vow that no matter what happens, that I will always protect our friendship. I respect you with all my mind, body, and soul to my grave.

Vin: I vow to always put our friendship first over anything. I respect you, I will always protect you, and I will always be here whenever you need me.

(After they said their friendship vows with tears in Michelle's eyes, Vin pulls her to him. She bury herself into him as he wraps his big strong arms around her. After they sat like that for a good twenty minutes, Michelle decided to take the guest room. That night as they slept in separate beds, it was a start of a beautiful and stronger friendship.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now