Chapter 5

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(Vin was tipsy and Michelle was feeling good as she danced to the music. Vin was watching her, laughing as she almost tripped. He was enjoying himself when a woman walks up to him in the shortest skirt he's ever seen. Michelle looks her up and down as she stands off to the side.)

Sara: Hey handsome.

Vin: Hello.

Sara: I'm Sara.

Vin: Vin.

Sara: Is she your girlfriend?

Vin: Umm no, we're just friends hanging out.

Sara: (smiles) Well would you like to dance?

(He looks over at Michelle.)

Michelle: Go I'll be fine.

Vin: (gives her a look) Your sure?

Michelle: Yes, besides I need to use the restroom.

Sara: Great come on let's go.

(She takes his hand and drags him away. Michelle sit her empty cup down and goes to find the bathroom. Once she's done, she goes to get another drink at the bar when another guy walks up.)

Jake: Hello!

Michelle: (jumps) Got dammit.

(She turns around wiping her top, before she looks up at the jerk who made her spill her drink. He was tall, built, and in her drunken state, just the type of man she could probably take home tonight.)

Jake: Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.

Michelle: It's ok.

Jake: I've been watching you.

Michelle: Well that's creepy.

Jake: I'm not trust me. But I wanted to ask you if you wanted to dance with me.

(She looks around for Vin but doesn't see him.)

Michelle: Sure, just let me finish this and then we can go.

(Jake watches as she down her drink and then she grabs his hand heading to the dance floor. They danced and she was having a good time as he held her waist while she moved her hips. Two hours passed and Michelle was really starting to feel the affects of the alcohol.)

(Vin was on the other side on his third beer after taking a shot with Sara grinding on him. He was bored out of mind thinking about someone else. His eyes roam the club until they landed on the young Latina female he was looking for.)

Vin: Hey Sara it's been nice dancing with you but I'm going to head back.

Sara: (grinds on him) What why, I was going to show you a good time.

Vin: I'm sorry but I got to go.

(He leaves and makes his way over to Michelle and some guy, who was practically dry humping her on the dance floor. Vin walks up to the guy and taps his shoulder earning a dirty look from the guy.)

Vin: Hey mind if I cut in?

Jake: Yeah, I do mine.

Michelle: (tore up) Hey Vinny.

Vin: Michelle we have to go.

Jake: Hey she's with me punk so back the fuck off.

Vin: Who the fuck your calling a punk.

Jake: (pushes Vin) You now get lost, she belongs to me tonight.

(Vin sees red and was about to pound his face in when Michelle stops him.)

Michelle: No, he's not worth it.

Vin: Just let me punch him one time.

Michelle: (touch his arm) No Vin, how about we go back to our booth.

Jake: (grabs her arm) Your not going anywhere.

(Being that she was drunk off her ass she almost stumbles and fall. Vin thinking quick catches her and pulls her against him.)

Vin: Touch her again and I will rearrange your face.

Michelle: Come on, look Jake it was nice dancing with you.

Jake: You know what, he can have you your nothing but a slut anyway.

Michelle: (moves towards him) The fuck did you just say?

Vin: (grabs her) Lets go before we cause a scene and we do not need that.

(She fights against Vin as she tries to get to Jake.)

Michelle: No, that fucker called me a slut.

Vin: Baby he's not worth getting in trouble over. Let's just go back to our spot or we can go home.

Michelle: (looks at him) Take me home.

Vin: Good idea, let's go see if we can find a cab.

(He takes her hand and lead her outside letting the fresh air hit her. He finds a cab and they get in telling the man the address. On their way home, Michelle lays her head on his shoulder as her head spins.)

Michelle: We didn't get to dance.

Vin: I think we are all danced out.

Michelle: Can you believe that guy, calling me a slut.

Vin: Forget him, he's just mad I took you from him.

Michelle: (giggles) I was never his to begin with. I can't believe I found him good looking and was ready to bring him home.

Vin: (looks at her) Well good thing I showed up when I did.

Michelle: Yeah!

(It goes silent as the cab finally pulls up in front of their apartment building. Vin gets out first and then helps her out. He wraps an arm around her waist as they walk to her door. She fumble with her keys before she finally opens the door stumbling in. His arm shoots out and steady her with her pressed into him.)

Vin: (whisper in her ear) You clearly had too much to drink.

Michelle: (shivers) I'm fine.

Vin: Michelle you was planning on bringing a random stranger back here.

Michelle: What's wrong with that?

Vin: Everything! He could have really been a creep or he could have something. You are willing to risk your life like that without even thinking?

Michelle: (turns around) I can take care of myself.

Vin: Im sure you can Michelle, but at the end of the day your still a woman. Men like to take advantage of that, and when you're drunk it makes them even more aggressive.

Michelle: Why do you care who I bring back here? I'm a grown woman and if you didn't know, I have needs too.

Vin: Because over the pass few months my feelings for you have changed.

(Michelle looks up at him trying to read him. She thinks back to the beginning when they first met. He has been nothing but a great friend, someone she can go to if she needed to talk about something, and was there during the bad days. She looks back up at him as she feels his hands cupping her face.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now