Chapter 27

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(It was the day of Paul funeral and Michelle was not doing great. She showed up high and with shades on to not be noticed. She walked in and made her way towards Vin and everyone else.)

Vin: Michelle we have been waiting on you, where have you been?

Michelle: Sorry, I got held up.

Vin: Doing what?

Michelle: Nothing, I'm here now let go sit.

(Vin gives her a funny look before he follow her to where his family was sitting. She kissed the kids and hugged Patricia before she sat down next to Vin.)

Vin: I haven't heard from you in two days.

Michelle: Well I been trying to find something to wear and I had some business to take care of.

Vin: Ok, I'm just glad you're here. You know Paul wouldn't want us to be sad today. He would want us to celebrate him and finish what he's started.

Michelle: I know!

(They sat through the funeral as Vin gripped Michelle hand to ease some of the pain. Once it was over they went to the repast for just a minute before they left. A few days passed and everyone was at Vin's La home.)

Tyrese: So what are we going to do now?

Greg: I think we all need to take a some time off and think about should we finish this movie.

Michelle: We finish the movie. We owe that to Paul, he would want us to finish it.

Vin: I agree with Michelle. We all take a few days off and we go back to finish. I think we should do something special to dedicate it to Pablo.

Jordana: He's prolly looking down now saying to not make this about him.

Michelle: It's about the fans.

(Everyone laughs at that and it's a lot of misty eyes around the fire pit.)

Greg: Ok, let me go home and think of everything said here tonight, and Vin I will get back to you all.

Vin: Ok, great.

(A few hours passed and everyone was headed home, or to a spare room. Michelle was the first one to say goodnight and went to take a hot shower. That night while everyone slept, Michelle was up with tears falling onto her pillow.)

(It's been a few months since Paul death, and Michelle and Vin had been taking it hard. Michelle had been doing things she normally wouldn't and everyone was concerned. She was seen out with Cara and was spotted partying a lot.)

(She was at home from having a long night out with Cara. She was just waking up when she realized the long limbs wrapped around her. Michelle brush some hair from her face before kissing her forehead.)

Michelle: Cara?

Cara: (mumbles) Mmm ten more minutes.

Michelle: I have to pee.

Cara: (sigh) Fine.

(Cara rolls detangles herself and rolls over and snuggles into her pillow. Michelle gets up and head into the bathroom. Ten minutes later she comes out and walks up to Cara.)

Michelle: Cara what the fuck?

(Cara doesn't move but grunts.)

Michelle: Cara wake up.

Cara: What I'm hungover.

Michelle: What did we do last night?

Cara: How should I know. We both was out of it and if I remember correctly, I think I tried to invite some guy here.

Michelle: What?

Cara: (sits up) I think that what happened I'm not sure. What happened to your neck?

Michelle: You tell me! I look like I got attacked by some damn mosquitos.

Cara: (giggle) Mmm you're so cute.

Michelle: This not funny, I have to wear turtle necks for a week. How will I be able to cover these up.

Cara: Stop whining, I have a solution.

Michelle: Yeah, like what?

Cara: Can we eat first, I'm starving.

Michelle: Fine, but this is not over.

Cara: I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it. You have a very beautiful neck and a nice pair of tits.

Michelle: (rolls her eyes) Whatever, just get rid of them.

(Michelle walks off and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. She was just about to whip the eggs when her door bell rung. She stops to go answer the door without looking to see who it was.)

Michelle: Vin!

Vin: Hey Michy.

Michelle: (looks nervous) Umm what are you doing here?

Vin: Checking on you.

Michelle: Why I mean, I'm fine.

Vin: Can I come in or..

(He looks around.)

Michelle: Uhhhh sure, I was just cooking some breakfast. I had a really long night and still kind of hungover.

(He walks in and looks around seeing clothes everywhere and two bottles of vodka. Michelle goes back into the kitchen to finish cooking.)

Vin: So what's this I hear about you and this young lady.

Michelle: What about it?

Vin: It's just something I seen all over social media.

(Just then a door opens and a tall, thin, blonde comes in topless. She doesn't notice Vin just yet as she moves behind Michelle. She wraps her arms around her as she buries her face in her neck.)

Cara: Smells good babe.

Michelle: Cara?

Cara: What I just wanted to hug you.

(In that moment Vin clears his throat and Cara jumps.)

Vin: Ummm hi.

Cara: Oh god I did not see you.

Vin: (smiles) It's fine really.

Michelle: (roll eyes) Cara this is Vin, Vin this is my friend Cara.

(With no shame she walks up to him and holds her hand out.)

Cara: Hello Vin, it's finally nice to meet you.

Vin: (grins like a fool) Likewise.

Michelle: Cara why don't you go and put a shirt on.

Cara: What, I'm sure Vin has seen many tits in his lifetime.

Michelle: Yeah well he doesn't need to see yours.

(Cara walks up to Michelle and wrap her arms around her neck, pressing up against her. She leans in and kiss her cheek and then her lips.)

Cara: Hey maybe Vin here can join us later for a threesome.

Michelle: Oh god! Just go.

(Cara winks at Vin before she leaves to go find a shirt. Michelle closes her eyes and shake her head before looking at Vin. He's sitting there with a big ass grin on his face.)

Vin and Michelle: Complicated Where stories live. Discover now