Ch. 1- Wonder Boy

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-The Kinks

August 18, 2002 (Nico)

Bianca's arms wrapped around little Nico protectively. Once again they were hiding in the closet. It was their sanctuary anytime this happened. And this happened often.

Little Nico struggled to look up at his older sister. "Yanka, why do Mamma and Papa always fight?" He looked at her with large brown eyes. She ran a hand through his hair and gave him a reassuring smile. As reassuring as a six year old can be for a four year old. However, for Nico, it was all the reassurance he needed.

She looked at him and said, "It's okay Neeky, they'll stop. They always do. They love each other. We'll be okay."

Nico simply nodded and scooted closer to his sister's warm body. He put her arms against his ears to try and block out the noise while she played with his hair. He squeezed his eyes tightly. Mamma and Yanka always said darkness meant nothing. If Nico saw darkness, there would be nothing. There would be no Mamma and Papa fighting, no closet, and no fear. There would be nothing.

"Enough, Maria! You're blowing this out of proportion! I can't just leave them." That was Papa yelling. He had a slight European accent, his voice smooth and deep even when he yelled. "We can't move; the kids have to go to school. We can get through this, tesoro." Papa's voice had turned kinder, pleading.

"There are schools in Mezzodor, Azrael. I will not stay here, having her flaunting around! If you don't come with me, I'll take the kids and go!" Mamma was crying. "I'll go, you know I will," she cried. She had a slight Italian accent. When she spoke, it was sharp and often sounded like singing due to the swing she put on some words.

"No! Enough! P-Please. Okay. We'll move. We'll go to Mezzodor, and enroll the kids, and get a house, and start over. We'll start over, okay?"

There was whispering and movement. Nico opened his eyes and saw shadows under the door. His heart sped up, though he was unsure why. A small knock made Bianca hold him a little tighter. The door opened and Nico squinted up to see his Mamma's slender and petite figure at the doorframe.

She kneeled down and gently removed Bianca's arms from around Nico's ears. "Come on, mio piccoli bambini," she whispered.

Nico and Bianca scrambled to stand and immediately locked hands. Their papa appeared next to their mamma with a somber expression.

Though they'd been arguing no more than two minutes ago, Nico could only think about how lucky he was. He had two parents who looked perfect together. And even though they argued, they were always together. Nico never feared that they'd split up. He only feared the loud noises and shouts. It only saddened him that they didn't have enough control to refrain from such ostentatious dramatics around their toddlers. But he never feared a divorce or separation of any kind. He liked seeing his parents together. They complimented each other well.

Mamma had olive skin, angular, kind, and dark eyes that sparkled, and her nose was elegantly angular. She had full lips and naturally rosy cheeks. Her face was lightly sprinkled with freckles. Her hair fell in dark heavy waves halfway down her back. She reached her spouse's shoulder; she was small. Her limbs were slender and she was always gentle. Her voice had a soothing rasp when she sung. She was not a stick, nor was she large. She was filled just right. Enough to be a comfortable pillow for her children and still wear glamorous dresses that showed off her curvy figure.

Papa was albino white. He had dark hair that fell to his shoulder and birdlike dark eyes. His nose was hooked and his smile was thin with perfect teeth. He was tall and had long, lanky, but strong limbs. He had an aura of dominance and superiority. He always squared his shoulders and dressed sophisticatedly. His voice was smooth as velvet and his features were sharp. His movements were always quick and planned. He was loving toward his children, but not with the gentleness of their mother.

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