Ch. 25- It's OK, I Wouldn't Remember Me Either

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No, I do not have my laptop back yet. I borrowed my aunt's while I'm with her to upload for you guys because everyone really wanted to know what happened next. So here it is. Idk when the next update will be.  I hope you all enjoy this! 

Happy Reading, -Ally xoxo

May 19, 2012 (Nico)

Nico woke up when he got pushed to the floor. "Ow what the fuck?" he exclaimed.

"Open the- door!" Percy gasped. Nico did and Percy ran to the bathroom. Nico sighed and lay back down. Eventually Percy came back with a bottle of water. "Oh man my head. At least I didn't run into your dad. Why the hell was the door locked?"

Nico opened his eyes. "You told me to lock it."

"What time did I get here?"

Nico sat up. A familiar ball of dread formed in his stomach. "Two. I had to go get you."

"And I told you to lock the door?"

Nico nodded slowly, not looking at him.

Percy paled. "Why?"

Nico narrowed his eyes. Percy didn't remember a thing. "I don't know," he grumbled. "Let me go back to sleep."

"Where's my phone? I have to text my mom. She's going to kill me. And I have to call Annabeth. Have you seen my phone?"

"Check your fucking pockets," Nico snapped.

"Oh." After the sound of phone screen tapping, Percy said, "Hey, baby. I know. I know I'm sorry. I didn't even know I got that bad. Did I ruin everything? I'll behave next time. Yeah, I stayed at Nico's. I don't know, after Natalie Portman was in the tub, I don't remember anything." He laughed, and it made Nico angry. "Um, no probably not until next week. I promised Nico I'd spend the weekend with him when I got ungrounded. That's if I get ungrounded actually. No I didn't at all. I.... Shit. Nico did we call my mom?" Nico shook his head. "Yeah, I'm not ungrounded. Ah shit. Okay. I'm sorry again. I'll see you at school. I love you." The last three words cut into Nico, making it hard to breathe.

He stood up and walked hastily out of the room and into the bathroom. He slid to the floor and gripped his hair. Not even 10 hours ago, Percy had told him those very words. How could he be so stupid? How could he even think that Percy would honestly kiss him like that and leave Annabeth? Percy had been drunk, and Nico knew that. He hadn't meant any of it. He didn't know what he was saying. Nico had been a fool to think anything good could've come out of that. He'd been caught up in the moment, and didn't have enough sense to think properly.

Hadn't he learned his lesson? The last time he'd let anyone near him like that, he'd gotten hurt. Nico took off his shirt and turned, seeing the scar in the mirror. He scowled at it, and put his shirt back on. That's what happened to people like him. They got hurt, and they were damaged. The sooner Nico could get that into his head, the better off he'd be.

He'd been doing well with keeping his feelings for Percy hidden. Many times, that boy had treaded the boundary line, tantalizing Nico, but Nico knew. He knew it was an impossibility. Even now that it could possibly be possible, it just wasn't.

Part of him wanted to remember everything, just for a second, before pushing it all away forever. The other part was saying to stop being weak. He groaned and started brushing his teeth. "Ow," he hissed. He looked closer, and realized there was a small cut on his lip causing it to swell, but only slightly. "Fucking toothpaste," he mumbled, blushing. He sighed and rinsed his mouth. His fingers lingered on his lips as he remembered how wonderful it'd felt. But that was over. In Percy's brain, it hadn't even happened.

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